Focal Point Convective Jobsheets

Visible Settings


This jobsheet will walk the Focal Point through configuring the visible settings icons located in the Hazard Services Console by default.



  • What? Perform an incremental override of StartUpConfig within to turn off Hazard Services Console icons that point to functionality your WFO is not currently configured for. 

  • Why? Hazard Services will eventually have additional functionality that is not yet operational. Marine, Fire, Aviation, and Tsunami hazards are still in development, and not all WFOs are currently configured for Non-Precipitation or Winter Weather. This jobsheet will walk you through removing the icons for any hazard configurations that your WFO is not currently using.

Follow the steps below for more detailed guidance.

  1. Open the D2D perspective and launch Hazard Services. In the Hazard Services Console, hover the mouse over each icon that has appeared by default. Identify the icon type, and take note of which should be removed (Marine, Fire, Aviation, and Tsunami, plus Non-Precipitation and/or Winter Weather if they are not yet operational in your office). Once you have your list of icons to be removed, close Hazard Services.

  2. In the Localization perspective navigate to Hazard Services –> Startup Config –> and double click on BASE to load.

  3. If a USER override for does not already exist, create one by right-clicking SITE –> Copy To and selecting User. Open the USER file.

  4. In the BASE file, scroll down to the bottom and take note of the turnOffFeatures keys. They should already be populated with tsunamiWeatherFeatures and fireWeatherFeatures, meaning these settings are filtered from the D2D Hazard Services Console. 

  5. In the SITE file, locate the turnOffFeatures keys and identify which additional settings your site has removed. From here, you will need to populate your USER file with any additional dictionaries (in this example, we will need to add aviationWeatherFeatures).

  6. Copy the entire dictionary of aviationWeatherFeatures from the BASE file and paste into your USER override. 

  7. In the turnOffFeatures lists, insert aviationWeatherFeatures to turn off features for this hazard category.

  8. For sites not yet configured for Non-Precipitation (NPW) and/or Winter Weather, these features should also be filtered from the Hazard Services Console. Here, we will illustrate the removal of both settings. Copy the nonPrecipWeatherFeatures and/or winterWeatherFeatures dictionaries from the BASE file and paste into the USER file. 

  9. Insert nonPrecipWeatherFeatures and/or winterWeatherFeatures into the turnOffFeatures lists.

    *NOTE: Do NOT use “_override_replace_”, as this will override the BASE file and only call what is currently in your USER brackets.

  10. Save the USER file using Ctrl+S. Merge if it asks you to.

  11. Return to the D2D perspective. Load Hazard Services and ensure the console only contains your functional icons. You should not have marine, aviation, fire, or tsunami, while NPW/Winter are site-specific.

  12. When you are comfortable that the USER override is working as you want, return to the Localization perspective. Promote the USER override to a SITE override by right-clicking USER under in the File Browser and selecting Copy To –> Site.

Congratulations, you've configured the visible settings icons within the Hazard Services Console.