Forecaster Non-Precipitation Weather Jobsheets

Creating multiple segments for the same hazard type and valid times


Issue two Freeze Warnings with the same start/end time for different impacts or split one segment into two on an update.


Creating Multiple Segments with the Same Hazard Type and Valid Time


Part 1: Issue two Freeze Warning hazard events with the same start/end time

Part 2: Issue one Freeze Warning hazard event and split it into two segments on an update


  1. In the GFE Perspective, ensure the Forecast Zones (optional XXX) map is loaded.
  2. Have Wind, T, etc. grids loaded with canned data, if possible.
  3. Launch Hazard Services with NPW Settings file.

Part 1

Freeze Warning - Segment 1

  1. In the GFE Grid Manager, select a time range for the Freeze Warning.
    1. This will ensure both segments have the same start and end time.
  2. From the Hazard Services Console Maps pulldown, select Forecast Zones (XXX).
  3. Left click on the zones for the hazard to appear in the first segment of the product. They will appear grey.
  4. Right click to end the selection. You will now have a hazard area outlined in white.
  5. In the HID, select type Freeze Warning (FZ.W). The GFE-selected time range will populate as the valid time.
    1. Verify the hazard Start and End times. Adjust if needed.
  6. Select any additional CTAs and Impacts in the HID.
  7. Click Propose.
    1. Verify your Freeze Warning appears in the GFE Hazards grid with the correct time and area.

Freeze Warning - Segment 2 

  1. Left click on the zones for the hazard to appear in the second segment of the product. They will appear grey.
  2. Right click to end the selection. You will have a new hazard area outlined in white.
  3. In the HID, select type Freeze Warning (FZ.W). The GFE-selected time range will again populate the valid time.
    1. Verify the hazard start and end times. Adjust if needed.
  4. Select any additional CTAs and Impacts in the HID.
  5. Click Propose.
    1. At this point, you should have a Hazards grid in GFE that contains all of the zones included in both FZ.W segments.
      1. GFE-Hazard Services interoperability has no way of differentiating the two segments so they will all just appear as one FZ.W grid. 

Issue the two segment Freeze Warning

  1. Preview.
  2. Verify output for the 2 segments is in keeping with the GFE T, etc., grids.
    1. If no grids were used, just replace framing text.
  3. Issue All → Issue.
    1. An NPW is issued with two segments


Part 2: >Split one of the previous Freeze Warnings into two segments on an update

Split one of the FZ.W hazard events into two segments with the same time range

  1. In the Hazard Services Console, select one of the FZ.W hazard events just issued 
    1. The entry will turn blue in the console and the HID will appear.
  2. Right click to remove zones from the hazard event on the map

  3. Select the Hazard Services Console Maps → Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX.
  4. Left click on the forecast zones removed two steps ago

  5. Right click to end the selection.
  6. In the HID, select Type Freeze Warning (FZ.W).
    1. Verify the hazard start and end times match the initial FZ.W.
  7. Adjust CTAs and Impacts in the HID, as needed.
  8. Click Propose.
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grid remains the same as before.

Issue the new 3 Segment Freeze Warning

  1. Preview.
    1. In the Product Editor window, verify you have 2 segments corresponding to the 3 separate FZ.W hazard events, each with a VTEC action of CON.
  2. Verify output for the is in keeping with the GFE T, etc., grids.
    1. If no grids were used, just replace framing text.
  3. Issue All → Issue.

Cancel the Freeze Warnings or go to Combine Events Jobsheet

  1. Select both of the FZ.W hazards in the Hazard Services Console.
  2. Right-click and select End 3 Selected Issued.
    1. The HID launches.
  3. Select Ending Option(s).
  4. Propose.
  5. Preview.
  6. Issue All → Issue.
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grid containing the FZ.W has been removed.