Forecaster Winter Weather Jobsheets

Creating Multiple Hazards at once


This jobsheet will create multiple winter hazards for issuance in one WSW


NOTE: These jobsheets work best if GFE has data populated in the various winter weather elements.

  1. Ensure Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX (where XXX is your site ID) are loaded from either GFE or Hazard Services.
  2. Select the Maps (icon) pull-down menu on the Hazard Services Console Toolbar and Select Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX. Ensure Persist Select By Area is on.

  3. Verify the Forecast Zones are displayed in green on the Spatial Display:

  4. In the GFE Grid Manager, highlight the time range you wish the first hazard to cover.
  5. On the Spatial Display, MB1 (Left-Click) on the desired zones. The selected zones will turn grey as shown below:

  6.  MB3 (Right-Click) to end the selecting of zones. A white polygon will be displayed on the Spatial Display, delineating the outline of the selected zones.

  7. The Hazard Information Dialog launches. Verify Category is set to Winter Weather.

  8. Set Type to Winter Weather Advisory (WW.Y). Adjust the valid time as needed.

  9. Click Propose. Verify the correct Hazards grid is written to the GFE grid manager and that the hazard status is Pending/Proposed in the console.
  10. In the Grid Manager, adjust the time range, as needed for the second hazard.
  11. In the Spatial Editor, MB1-click on the desired zones for the second hazard and MB3 to end.


  12. In the Hazard Information Dialog, select type Winter Storm Warning (WS.W), adjust the valid time as needed, and click Propose.
    1. Verify the warning was added tot he existing Hazards grid in the GFE grid manager and that the hazard status is Pending/Proposed in the console.
  13. To generate the WSW text product, select the two hazards from the Console (they turn blue and become checked, as shown).

  14. The HID will pop up. Verify there are two tabs (WW.Y and WS.W). The HID may look similar to this: 


  15. Select Preview. 
  16. The Product Editor launches.
  17. Select Issue All and select Issue on the resulting pop-up with a stop sign.
  18. Verify the events have a Status of ISSUED in the Hazard Services Console, and the VTEC Actions is NEW.


End the Winter Weather Advisory (WW.Y) and Winter Storm Warning (WS.W)

  1. In the Hazard Services Console, MB3 on the recently created WW.Y and WS.W (select both events using the Shift key). 
  2. Select End 2 Selected Issued.
  3. Select Yes at the prompt ‘Ending 2 issued hazards -- Are you sure?’
  4. The Hazard Information Dialog launches (if not already opened).
  5. Select Ending Option(s).
  6. Select Propose, then select Preview.
  7. The Product Editor launches. 
  8. Select Issue All → Issue.
  9. Verify the event has a Status of ENDED in the Hazard Services Console and a VTEC Actions entry is CAN.
    1. The Hazard Event may disappear from the Console if you have your Filters hiding ENDED events. To view the ENDED events, you may select Setup → Manage Settings… → Edit/Filter … and then enable the ended checkbox.
    2. Dismiss the dialog box.