Forecaster NPW Jobsheets

Canceling a Hazard Event


This jobsheet covers how to issue an cancelation statement for a hazard and when it can be done



  1. Start Hazard Services on the GFE perspective with the NPW Settings file
  2. Create a Hazard Event 

Create an cancelation statement

  1. Select the Hazard Event from the Console (it will highlight blue) and right mouse over it.
    1. Up until 30 minutes before expiration (not in Ending status), select End This
    2. In Ending status (within 30 minutes of expiration), select Cancel This
      NOTE: if an Expiration statement is desired instead, follow these steps

    3. If the hazard is in Elapsing status, it cannot be canceled. 
  2. In the HID that pops up, choose an ending option to place canned text in the cancelation statement. If not selected, a wrap-up statement can be added later in the product editor.

  3. Click Propose.
  4. Click Preview.
  5. The product editor will appear where the wrap-up statement can be added or adjusted. 

  6. Click Issue All-> Issue. The console will change to a status of Ended or Elapsed. If you have those filtered from your Console, the event will just disappear.