Canceling a Hazard Event - Hazard Services
Canceling a Hazard Event
This jobsheet covers how to issue an cancelation statement for a hazard and when it can be doneTasks:
- Start Hazard Services on the GFE perspective with the NPW Settings file
- Create a Hazard Event
Create an cancelation statement
- Select the Hazard Event from the Console (it will highlight blue) and right mouse over it.
- Up until 30 minutes before expiration (not in Ending status), select End This
- In Ending status (within 30 minutes of expiration), select Cancel This
NOTE: if an Expiration statement is desired instead, follow these steps
- If the hazard is in Elapsing status, it cannot be canceled.
- Up until 30 minutes before expiration (not in Ending status), select End This
- In the HID that pops up, choose an ending option to place canned text in the cancelation statement. If not selected, a wrap-up statement can be added later in the product editor.
- Click Propose.
- Click Preview.
- The product editor will appear where the wrap-up statement can be added or adjusted.
- Click Issue All-> Issue. The console will change to a status of Ended or Elapsed. If you have those filtered from your Console, the event will just disappear.