Forecaster Non-Precipitation Weather Jobsheets

Creating a Hazard Using Select by Area


Show how to create a hazard event using select by area



  1. In the GFE Perspective, ensure the Forecast Zones (optional XXX) map is loaded.
  2. Have Wind, WindGust, T, ApparentT, etc. grids loaded with canned data, if possible.
  3. Launch Hazard Services with the NPW Settings file.



  1. Ensure Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX (where XXX is your site ID) are loaded from either GFE or Hazard Services.


  2. Highlight desired valid time of hazard in the GFE grid manager, if it is desired to have the hazard time pre-populate. 
  3. Select the Maps (icon) pull-down menu on the Hazard Services Console Toolbar and Select Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX. 
  4. Verify the Forecast Zones are displayed in green on the Spatial Display:
  5. On the Spatial Display, MB1 (Left-Click) on the desired zones. The selected zones will turn grey as shown below:
  6. MB3 (Right-Click) to end the selecting of zones. A white polygon will be displayed on the Spatial Display, delineating the outline of the selected zones:
  7. The Hazard Information Dialog (HID) launches
  8. From the Type pull-down menu in the Hazard Information Dialog, select desired Hazard (e.g. High Wind Watch)
  9. In the Hazard Information Dialog, adjust Time Range as needed, and select any appropriate additional impacts or CTAs.
  10. In the Hazard Information Dialog, select Propose.
    1. Verify a Hazards grid is written to the GFE grid manager and that the hazard status is Pending/Proposed in the console:

  11. If the HID was left open, now click Preview.
    1. If the HID was closed after clicking Propose, click on the hazard event in the console as shown above to launch the HID and then click Preview. 
  12. The Product Editor launches.
  13. Verify all the proper wording was translated into the WWW_NPW_Formatter messages.
  14. Click Issue All
    1. Verify the grid is updated in GFE