Focal Point Basics Jobsheets

Define Backup Sites


Define local backup sites


  1. In the Localization Perspective, navigate to the Settings sub-directory under the Hazard Services folder.
  2. Double click on backupSites.xml to show the available versions.
  3. Create a user override file if none exists (note there is no "Create Override File ..." incremental override option for Hazard Services xml files, only Python files):
    1. If there is only a BASE version: right click on BASE and select Copy To, then select User

  4. Double click on the User version of backupSites.xml to open it for editing, and be sure to click on the "Source" tab at the bottom (if not already selected) to view and edit the contents.
  5. Locate the <sites> tags below the <backupSites> tag
  6. Change the text in between one of the "<sites>...</sites>" tags to a three-letter office ID you will back up
    1. If you need another row to add more sites: copy one of the lines with a <sites> tag and paste on its own line BEFORE the </backupsites> line which ends that section, then edit the siteID on your new line
  7. Be sure to un-comment the line you edited, if needed, as follows:
    1. Your line is commented and needs to be fixed if it begins with <!-- and ends with -->, and appears all one color (blue) in the Localization Perspective.
    2. Delete the leading <!-- and trailing --> characters which appear at the start and end of your line
  8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for any additional backup sites that need to be entered
  9. When finished, save the file by hitting Ctrl+S, or selecting Save from the File menu

To see changes implemented:

  • Close and re-launch Hazard Services, and then use the triangle in the upper-right part of the Console and look at the Change Site menu.

Additional Considerations

  • You should also include any backup sites in your "possible" and "visible" sites settings, so that their hazards are visible to you in normal operations. To do so, see the Set Visible and Possible Sites jobsheet.