Forecaster Winter Weather Jobsheets

Modifying the Valid Time of a Hazard


Changing the valid time of part or all of a hazard


Modifying the valid time for some or all of a hazard event


Create a Hazard Event

Update the start or end for the entire Hazard Event

Update the start or end time for part of a Hazard Event

Update the end time when a Hazard Event is in the expiration window


  1. Start GFE
  2. Have SnowAmt, IceAccum, etc. grids loaded with canned data, if possible
  3. Launch Hazard Services

Create a Hazard Event

  1. From the Hazard Services Console Maps pulldown, select Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX
  2. Left click on several zones (the entire CWA is best for the Remove workflows and partial CWA is needed for Add to Existing workflows)
  3. Right click to end the selection
  4. In the HID, select Hazard Type Winter Storm Watch (WS.A)
    1. Verify the hazard Start and End times
  5. Click Propose
    1. Verify the WS.A appears in the GFE Hazards grid for the correct time frame and zones 
  6. Select any additional CTAs and Impacts in the HID
  7. Click Preview
  8. Verify output is in keeping with GFE SnowAmt, etc., grids
    1. Replace framing text if no GFE weather elements were populated
  9. Issue All → Issue

Update the Entire Hazard Event Start and/or End time  

  1. Select the Hazard created above from the console (it will be checked and highlight blue)
  2. In the HID, adjust the start and/or end time of the event using the arrows.

    1. Note: the start time can only be changed if it is in the future (i.e. the hazard has not started).
  3. Select Propose
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grid duration changes accordingly.
  4. Click Preview
    1. The headline will note the change in time

  5. Issue the product


Update the Start and/or End Time for part of a Hazard Event

  1. Select the Hazard issued in the previous section from the console (it will be checked and highlight blue)
  2. MB3 (Right-Click) to remove zones from the map

  3. Select the Hazard Services Console Maps → Forecast Zones or Forecast Zones XXX.
  4. Left-click on the forecast zones removed in Step 2.
  5. Right-click to end the selection.
  6. In the HID, select the same hazard type as the previous hazard (e.g. WS.A) and adjust the start and/or end time of the event using the arrows.
    1. Note: the start time can only be changed if it is in the future (i.e. the hazard has not started).
  7. Select Propose
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grid duration changes accordingly for the selected zones.
  8. Click Preview
    1. There will be 2 segments:
  9. Issue the product
  10. End the two hazards by selecting both in the Hazard Services Console, right-click, and select End 2 Selected Issued.
    1. The HID launches
    2. Select Ending Options
  11. Select Propose
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grids are removed.
  12. Click Preview
    1. There will be 2 segments:
  13. Issue All → Issue.


Update the Entire Hazard Event End Time when Status is Ending

  1. Create a Hazard Event that expires in 1 hour
  2. Wait for the status to become Ending or set the Practice mode clock forward to 10 min before the new hazard is set to expire
  3. Select the ending Hazard created above from the console (it will be checked and highlight blue)
  4. Right-click on the Hazard Event and choose Extend This

  5. In the HID, adjust the end time as needed.
  6. Select Propose
    1. Verify the GFE Hazards grid duration changes accordingly.
  7. Click Preview
    1. The headline will note the change in time
  8. Click Dismiss

NOTE: It is all-or-nothing once a Hazard Event has entered the expiration window. You cannot partially extend a hazard that has a status of Ending.