Convective Hazard Services Proficiencies

Reference - Hazard Services Convective Training YouTube Playlist (2:14:00)

The proficiencies for convective Hazard Services are listed below with links to the videos from the ATAN course. These videos are in YouTube, so they cannot be viewed in AWIPS. They must be viewed from the Internet. CAVE application videos are labeled as CAVE, and the times of the videos or appropriate time ranges are list in minutes:seconds format.

  1. Summary of All Changes (HS64 2:06)
  2. CAVE/Console
    1. Minimizing side panes (HSC4 0:23)
    2. Docking/undocking (HSC5 0:46, HSC6 CAVE 6:12)
    3. Console changes (HSC7 0:22)
    4. Console default coloring (HSC8 0:21)
    5. Action and drawing menus (HSC9 1:06, HSC10 CAVE 6:00)
    6. Filter status icons (HSC11 0:24, HSC12 CAVE 2:43)
    7. Session and service backup BKUP Icons (HSC13 0:23, HSC14 CAVE 2:02)
    8. Issue # product editor button (HSC15 0:15, HSC16 2:18)
    9. Combine Hazards (HSC17 0:27, HSC18 CAVE 9:02)
    10. Hazard Services quick launch (HSC19 0:25)
    11. Settings hazard visibility (HSC32 1:09, HSC33 CAVE 1:02)
    12. Time to Expiration (HSC42 0:22, HSC43 2:04)
    13. Console coloring (HSC59 0:26, HSC60 CAVE 1:36-3:35)
    14. Modifying settings files on the fly (HSC60 CAVE 5:44)
  3. HID
    1. Bearing speed (HSC34 0:18, HSC36 CAVE 0:00-1:00)
    2. Default motions (HSC35 0:43, HSC36 CAVE 1:00-3:29)
    3. Smart Calls To Action (CTAs; HSC37 0:58, HSC39 CAVE 2:51)
    4. Special/Misc CTAs (HSC38 0:23)
    5. Entering reports (HSC40 0:25, HSC41 CAVE 4:05)
  4. Short Fuse Workflows
    1. Storm Track Tool (HSC20 0:36, HSC30 1:10, HSC31 CAVE 1:25)
    2. Severe thunderstorm warning workflow (HSC24 CAVE 4:18)
    3. Cancellation (HSC25 0:26, HSC26 CAVE 1:24))
    4. Drafting multiple hazards (HSC27 0:52, HSC29 CAVE 1:34)
    5. Restart surrogates (HSC28 0:36)
    6. CAN/CON/EXP SVS logic (HSC44 0:46, HSC45 CAVE 2:43)
    7. Expiration EXP (HSC46 0:39, HSC47 CAVE 7:13)
    8. WarnGen vs Hazard Services polygons (HSC48 0:10, HSC49 0:40)
    9. WarnGen Hazard Services SVS difference (HSC61 0:38, HSC62 0:18, HSC63 CAVE 2:57)
    10. Line tool (HSC51 0:10, HSC52 CAVE 17:20)
    11. Tornado warning workflow (HSC50 CAVE 8:38)
    12. SPS and non-VTEC products (HSC53 0:22, HSC54 3:05)
    13. Propose short fuse (HSC55 0:30, HSC57 CAVE 12:25)
    14. Copy to New Event (HSC56 0:24, HSC57 CAVE 9:05-12:25)
    15. Airport weather warnings (HSC58 0:15)