LAMP Presentations - MDL
GFS LAMP Training
- Training on LAMP Background, Spring 2008
An Introduction to The Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (ppt), by David Rudack.
(Powerpoint Presentation, should take less than 1 hour to complete)
- Training on LAMP Products, Spring 2008
Accessing and Using GFS LAMP Products (ppt), by Scott Scallion.
(Powerpoint Presentation, should take less than 1 hour to complete)
GFS LAMP Presentations
- Presentation given at the 2024 National Weather Association Annual Meeting, Irving, TX, September 18, 2024: New Rapidly-updating Aviation Guidance for 15-minute Periods (pdf, approx. 1.9 MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the 2024 Intermountain West Aviation Weather Safety Workshop (IWAWS), Salt Lake City, UT, June 21, 2024: A Redevelopment of Thresholding Techniques to Improve LAMP Visibility Guidance (pdf, approx. 8.3 MB), by Katelyn Trinidad.
- Presentation given at the 2024 Intermountain West Aviation Weather Safety Workshop (IWAWS), Salt Lake City, UT, June 21, 2024: Increased Temporal Resolution of LAMP and Gridded LAMP Forecast Guidance for Ceiling Height & Visibility (pdf, approx. 7.7 MB), by Phillip E. Shafer.
- Presentation given at the Tenth Southwest Aviation Weather Safety Workshop (SAWS), Rancho Cucamonga, CA, April 21, 2023: Updates on Improvements to Aviation Guidance in the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (pdf, approx. 6.9 MB), by Phillip E. Shafer.
- Presentation given at the 23rd Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 103rd AMS Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, January 11, 2023: Providing Probabilistic Ceiling and Visibility Guidance for Enhanced Impact-based Decision Support Services (IDSS) (pdf, approx. 3.4 MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Intermountain West Aviation Weather Safety workshop, Reno, NV, June 10, 2022: Upcoming Improvements to the LAMP and Gridded LAMP Forecast Guidance for Aviation (pdf, approx. 6.7 MB), by Phillip E. Shafer.
- Presentation given at the 22nd Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 26, 2022: The Development of Thresholding and Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Improve LAMP Visibility Guidance (pdf, approx. 5.3 MB), by Katelyn Trinidad.
- Presentation given at the Intermountain West Aviation Weather Safety workshop, Boise, ID, September 15, 2018: Recent and Future improvements to the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) For Aviation Forecasting (pptx, approx. 16.9 MB), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Eighth Conference on the Transition of Research to Operations, Special Session on Improving R2O & O2R in Analysis and Nowcast (0-18 Hour Forecast) Range including the R&D, V&V (Verification & Validation), Post-processing, and Operationalization: Potential of new or enhanced capabilities for meeting US service needs in analysis and nowcast, 98th AMS Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, January 11, 2018: Improving LAMP aviation forecasts in the very short range through rapid infusion of surface observations (pptx, approx. 650 KB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli, Bob Glahn, Adam D. Schnapp, Chenjie Huang, and Felicia Guarriello.
- Presentation given at the 42st NWA Annual Meeting, Garden Grove, CA, September 20, 2017: Further Improvements to Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) and Gridded LAMP Guidance for Aviation (pptx, approx. 3.3 MB), by Judy Ghirardelli, Bob Glahn, Adam Schnapp, Phil Shafer, Felicia Guarriello.
- Science Briefing to NCEP June 23, 2017: LAMP/GLMP v2.1.0 (pptx, approx. 1.6 MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given to the Total Lightning Implementation Working Group (TLIWG) on May 12, 2017: GoToMeeting webinar presentation for LAMP convection/total lightning forecast guidance (pptx, approx. 6.7MB), by Jerome P. Charba.
- Presentation given at the Collaborative Decision Making General Session in Dallas, TX on April 12, 2017: Upgrades to the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) Convection and Lightning Guidance for Aviation Forecasting (pptx, approx. 3.6MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Implementation Briefing given to NCEP March 23 2017: Localized Aviation Model Output Statistics (MOS) Program (LAMP): Upgrades LAMP/GLMP v2.0.0 (pptx, approx. 6.2MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the AMS 18th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology January 23, 2017: A Rapidly-updating LAMP System for Very Short-range Ceiling Height and Visibility Forecast Guidance (pptx, approx. 4.2 MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Science Briefing to NCEP November 02, 2016: Localized Aviation Model Output Statistics (MOS) Product (LAMP) Upgrades LAMP/GLMP v2.0.0 (pptx, approx. 6.0MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the 41st NWA Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA, September 14, 2016: Probabilistic Forecasting of Flight Categories with the LAMP/HRRR Meld (pptx, approx. 9.0 MB), by Adam Schnapp, Bob Glahn, Judy E. Ghirardelli, Gordana Sindic-Rancic, Chenjie Huang.
- Presentation given to NCEP, June 8, 2016: GLMP Pre-implementation Briefing to NCEP (pptx, approx. 6.0 MB), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the AMS 23rd Conf. on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences January 11, 2016: LAMP Convection Probability and "Potential" Guidance: An Experimental Hi-Res Upgrade (pptx, approx. 8.0 MB).
- Presentation given at the Aviation Weather Testbed Summer Experiment 2015: Improved GLMP Ceiling and Visibility Guidance using HRRR Model Output (pdf). (Note: this is still in the development phase, and not yet operational).
- Presentation given at the Special Symposium on Model Postprocessing and Downscaling, 95th Annual AMS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 7, 2015: Improving Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) Guidance by Utilizing Emerging Forecast and Observation Resources (pdf), by Judy E. Ghirardelli, Jerome P. Charba, Jung-Sun Im, Fred G. Samplatsky, Runhua Yang, Andrew Kochenash, and Bob Glahn.
- Presentation given at the Harry R. Glahn Symposium, 95th Annual AMS Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, January 6, 2015: Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP): A Statistical Post-processing System for the Past, Present, and Future (pdf), by Judy E. Ghirardelli.
- Quality of Total Lightning Data Determined from Severe Storm Case Studies and Summary Statistics (pptx, 15.6 MB), by Jerome P. Charba, Frederick G. Samplatsky, Judy E. Ghirardelli, Phillip D. Bothwell, and Andrew Kochenash.
- Presentation on LAMP Convection and Upgraded Lightning (pdf). Originally presented June 2012. (Updated 09/06/2013)
- Overview of Localized Aviation MOS Program with a focus on marine visibility (pdf) . Presented to Southern Region and Western Region Coastal WFOs April 3, 2012.
- Gridded LAMP Overview Briefing for NWS Western Region (pptx, 20 MB). Presented March 20, 2012.
- Presentation given at the "Friends/Partners in Aviation Weather" Forum, NBAA Convention, in Las Vegas, NV, October 11, 2011
Localized Aviation Model Output Statistics Program (LAMP): Improvements to convective forecasts in response to user feedback (pdf), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Science presentation for NCEP regarding LAMP convection guidance:
Localized Aviation Model Output Statistics Program (LAMP): Improvements to convective forecasts in response to user feedback (pptx, 7.6 MB). October 11, 2011
- Presentation given at the AMS 15th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology in Los Angeles, CA, August 2, 2011
Gridded Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) Guidance for Aviation Forecasting (pdf), by Judy Ghirardelli.
(Powerpoint Presentation)
- Gridded LAMP Pre-implementation Briefing (pdf). Presented June 14, 2011.
- Presentation given at the New England Aviation Workshop in Gray, ME, May 12, 2009
Aviation Products from the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (pdf), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Sub-regional Aviation Workshop in Cleveland, OH, April 22, 2009
Aviation Products from the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (pptx), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Sub-regional Aviation Workshop in Lexington, SC, February 26, 2009
Aviation Products from the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (ppt), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Eastern Region Aviation Weather Conference in Upton, NY, November 19, 2008
Aviation Products from the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) (ppt), by Judy Ghirardelli.
- Presentation given at the Sub-regional Aviation Workshop in Charleston, WV, April 3, 2008
GFS-based Localized Aviation MOS Product (LAMP) (pdf), by Judy Ghirardelli.
GFS LAMP Posters
- Judy E. Ghirardelli, 2018: Expanding the LAMP suite of aviation guidance to support the National Weather Service’s National Blend of Models (pdf). Sixth Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology Symposium at the American Meteorological Society’s 98th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. NEW!
- Judy E. Ghirardelli1, Jerome P. Charba1, Fred G. Samplatsky1 , Michael Allard1, Gordana Sindic-Rancic1, Bob Glahn1, Chenjie Huang2, Andrew J. Kochenash2, and Adam D. Schnapp2, 2016: Current Status and plans for the Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) for Aviation Forecasting (pdf). 41st NWA Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA. 1NOAA/NWS/OSTI/MDL 2NOAA affiliate, KBRwyle, Inc.
- Jess Charba , Fred Samplatsky , Phil Shafer , Judy Ghirardelli, Andy Kochenash1 , 2016: LAMP Convection / Total Lightning Probability and “Potential” Guidance: An Experimental High-Resolution Upgrade (pdf). 41st NWA Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA. 1NOAA affiliate, KBRwyle, Inc.
- Glahn B., and J.-S. Im, 2014: Analyses of Wind Gusts for the National Digital Guidance Database (pdf). 39th NWA Annual Meeting, Great Salt Lake, UT, P1.63.
- Im, J.-S., and B. Glahn, 2014: Recent Developments/Improvements in Objective Analyses of Observations/Forecasts for Localized Aviation MOS Products at the Meteorological Development Laboratory (pdf). 39th NWA Annual Meeting, Great Salt Lake, UT, P2.19.