OGC Compliance - MDL
The MDL WIAD Data Services Team is a key contributor for NOAA as a strategic member of the OGC. The WIAD Data Services Lead serves as NOAA’s voting member on all OGC voting motions, and as the primary point of contact for the Strategic Members Advisory Committee (SMAC), Executive Planning Committee (EPC) and Technical Committee (TC). WIAD Data Services personnel serve as Chair or Co-chair on a number of OGC Standards Working Groups (SWG) and Domain Working Groups (DWG), including the MetOcean DWG, EDR API SWG, TimeSeriesML SWG and PubSub SWG, just to name a few. The WIAD Data Services Lead serves as co-chair on NOAA’s Data Governance Committee OGC Task Team, which is part of the GIS Committee Working Group. In that capacity, an NOAA OGC community Vlab webpage has been set up that describes OGC and NOAA’s work with OGC. Having NOAA staff serve as chair or co-chair on Working Groups, in addition to NOAA staff participating in OGC member meetings and OGC initiatives ensures NOAA has a voice so that as standards evolve, they do so in a way that aligns with NOAA’s Mission goals and objectives.
OGC Standards are the glue to geospatial information interoperability, and are used by thousands of organizations across the globe and represented in millions of lines of code. The Geospatial Data Policy of 2018 states that federal agencies must adhere to OGC standards, and this is reflected in our annual task order from the Office of Dissemination. The NDFD XML Web Service and World Area Forecast System Internet File Service (WIFS) API are examples of how we’ve implemented OGC standards into NOAA operational Web Applications.