Station-based LAMP - MDL
The Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) is a statistical system which provides forecast guidance for sensible weather elements. LAMP updates MOS on an hourly basis for most elements (every 15 minutes for ceiling height and visibility beginning with v2.6), is run on NOAA/NWS/NCEP Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputer Systems (WCOSS) computers and disseminated centrally from NCEP, and provides guidance for over 2000 stations as well as gridded observation and forecast guidance on the National Blend of Models (NBM) CONUS 2.5-km grid out to 38 hours for most elements.
LAMP provides station guidance for the following weather elements:
- 2-meter temperature
- 2-meter dewpoint
- 10-m Wind speed, direction, and gusts
- Probability of precipitation (on hr)
- Probability of measurable precipitation (6- and 12-h)
- Precipitation type
- Precipitation characteristics
- Lightning
- Convection
- Ceiling height
- Conditional ceiling height
- Opaque sky cover
- Visibility
- Conditional visibility
- Obstruction to vision