NBM Community Forums - MDL
NBM Community Forums
For those of you who are able, we encourage you to join the NBM Vlab Community to keep up-to-date with news about NBM and MOS (see below for instructions). If you have any questions or problems please feel free to send email to the address to the NBM Web Team
Join the NBM Community Forums
1) Join the NBM Community
- To join, go to the Vlab communities page
- Click on "Available Communities"
- Look for "National Blend of Models" (either sort alphabetically or input "blend" in the search box)
- Click on the three dots (at the top of the box to the right of the community name), and click "join"
2) Go to the NBM community page
3) Select the "Forums" tab in the horizontal blue menu bar at the top of the page
4) Choose the forums you want to subscribe to. There are currently three (you can subscribe to as many as you want):
- To subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the selected forum, click on the three dots on the right-hand side to prompt the list of options: