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MDL's Localized Aviation MOS Program (LAMP) and Gridded LAMP (GLMP) Upgraded at NWS
Dec 16, 2024An upgrade to the Localized Aviation Model Output Statistics (MOS) Program (LAMP) and Gridded LAMP (GLMP) systems was implemented into NWS operations on Monday, September 30, 2024. LAMP is a statistical system which provides forecast guidance for sensible weather elements and updates the Global Forecast System (GFS)-based MOS on an hourly basis (every 15 minutes for C&V elements). The guidance is produced on the NOAA/NWS/NCEP Weather and Climate Operational Supercomputer System (WCOSS) and is disseminated centrally from NCEP.

NWS Connect Initial Operating Capabilities Released
Aug 01, 2024We are excited to announce the release of NWS Connect, marking the first iteration of many to come! NWS Connect is a vital element of Ken's 10 Probabilistic IDSS (Impact-based Decision Support Services) Initiative. This empowers NWS core partners, such as emergency personnel and public safety officials, to make informed decisions when weather, water, and climate events impact the lives and livelihood of the American people.

National Blend of Models (NBM) Upgraded to Version 4.2
Jun 21, 2024On May 15, 2024, NOAA upgraded the National Blend of Models (NBM) — a nationally consistent and calibrated suite of forecast products generated from combining numerical weather prediction and post-processed data — to version 4.2 in operations. The upgrade includes a number of improvements to help forecasters improve the national gridded forecast including: new percentile and probabilistic sustained 10-meter wind and wind gust products, improved wind speed and gusts for “day-to-day” forecasts, better snow accumulation forecasts in environments with temperatures just above freezing, mitigation of lattice-like artifacts in winter weather output, reduction of erroneously high probabilities for freezing rain and improve snow forecasts over higher terrain.

NDFD web services go operational in Web Operations Center
May 08, 2024The National Weather Service’s National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) produces weather, water, and climate digital forecast grids based on mosaics of forecasts from forecast offices and national centers. The NDFD Central Server creates and encodes national gridded datasets as GRIB2 files for dissemination via the NWS Telecommunications Gateway (NWSTG). Two key products of the NDFD include the Web Map Viewer and the XML Web Services. In April, the NOAA Web Operations Center began hosting NDFD Web Services that were formerly hosted by the NWS Internet Dissemination System. These services include full-resolution (up to 2.5km, hourly) maps and XML point web services for all operational and experimental NDFD forecast elements.