MOS Verification Stations

Verification Station PDF Maps


Station Information

Verification Station List for non-Precipitation Predictands

A station list consisting of 335 stations has been established for the purpose of verifying forecasts from test equations. The list is comprised of 50 stations from each region in the CONUS, 30 in Alaska, 4 in Hawaii and 1 in Puerto Rico. 

Verification Station List for Precipitation Predictands*

*The precipitation predictands include Probability of Precipitation (PoP), Quantitative Precipitation
Amount (QPF),Precipitation Type (PTYPE), and Precipitation Amount.

A station list consisting of 335 stations has been established for the purpose of verifying forecasts from test equations. The list is comprised of 50 stations from each region in the CONUS, 30 in Alaska, 3 in Hawaii and 2 in Puerto Rico.


Last Updated: October 29, 1999.