degrib: Work with GRIB files in various ways.
degrib [input GRIB file] [OPTIONS]...
degrib [OPTIONS]... -in [input GRIB file] [OPTIONS]...
degrib [OPTION]... < [GRIB file]
(**** See below for the various OPTIONS. ****)
Works with GRIB files in the following ways:
1) Inventory GRIB files.
2) Convert from GRIB to various formats.
3) Get Meta data from a GRIB message.
4) Probe GRIB files at a specified lat/lon.
5) Convert NDFD GRIB2 files to flat file database
6) Probe the flat file database.
Note: Behavior is controlled first by command line options, then by
configuration file options, and finally by default options.
These options tell degrib what files to read for input.
-in [File]
You can provide the file to read the GRIB message from either:
1) right after "degrib",
2) using the "-in [File]" option,
3) on standard input.
-cfg [File]
You can provide a file that contains more configuration options. This
file is ASCII, with one option per line.
A '#' at the beginning of a line denotes a comment.
A '#' in the middle of a line means ignore the rest of the line.
These options tell degrib what to do. You must have 1 and only 1 of
these options.
-V Print the version information.
-I Perform an inventory on the input file.
-C Convert a message, or several messages from the input file.
(**** See below for CONVERT OPTIONS. ****)
-P Probes a GRIB file for all information at a single lat/lon or a
specified set of lat/lon points.
(**** See below for PROBE OPTIONS. ****)
-Data Converts the NDFD GRIB2 file to an index file and a 'data cube',
the combination of which makes up a flat file database for use
with CGI programs (or with GrADS?).
(**** See below for DATABASE CREATE OPTIONS. ****)
-DP Probes the "data cube" for all information at a single lat/lon.
(**** See below for DATABASE PROBE OPTIONS. ****)
-DC Converts a message from the "data cube".
(**** See below for CONVERT OPTIONS. ****)
-refTime Print the oldest reference time in the GRIB file to standard
(**** See below for REFERENCE TIME OPTIONS. ****)
-Sector Given a file of sectors, and a lat/lon, prints the sector(s)
that point is in.
(**** See below for SECTOR OPTIONS. ****)
Add values from several different msgs into a total at each point.
Must include a startTime and endTime and an optional CONVERT
OPTION. Currently available for only QPF, SnowAmt, and IceAccum grids.
Times are exlusive. For example, -startTime '2012-05-25T01:00:00' will
not include the 6-hour window data that ends at 2012-05-25T06:00:00,
whereas '2012-05-25T00:00:00' will.
Example: -StormTotal -startTime '2012-05-29T00:00:00' -endTime '2012-05-30T06:00:00' -Grib2
OUTPUT FILE OPTIONS (Default: -nameStyle 2)
These options specify what the name of output files should be.
-out stdout
For command options that generate only one file, this tells the
program to send that file to standard output.
-out [File]
Name of the file to store the results. Must have 1 and only 1 dot in
the name, and the extension must be 3 characters. The extension will
be replaced depending on file format.
-nameStyle ["string" or "style numbers"]
File naming style. (Only applicable if -out is NOT Specified)
"string" has the following special characters:
%e = [element] (MaxT, MinT, etc)
%V = [YYYYMMDDHHMM] (valid time)
%v = [MMDDHHMM] (valid time) short form shifted right.
%lv = [YYYYMMDDHH] (valid time short form shifted left.
%R = [YYYYMMDDHH] (reference time)
%p = [HH] (val time - ref time)
%c = [HH] The valid cycle.
Example: Today's 12Z forecast = 12
%D = [DDDD or MDDD] where DDDD is the difference in days (zulu)
between the reference and valid day. (the M means 'minus')
0000 => Reference day = Valid Day,
M001 => Reference day - 1 = Valid Day, (Probably an ob)
0001 => Reference day + 1 = Valid Day
Eg.: Ref. time 00Z, 1st NDFD maxt valid at 00Z => 0001 (1 if %d)
Eg.: Ref. time 00Z, 1st NDFD mint valid at 12Z => 0000 (0 if %d)
Eg.: Ref. time 00Z, 1st NDFD temp valid at 3Z => 0000 (0 if %d)
Eg.: Ref. time 19Z, 1st NDFD maxt valid at 00Z => 0001 (1 if %d)
Eg.: Ref. time 19Z, 1st NDFD mint valid at 12Z => 0001 (1 if %d)
Eg.: Ref. time 19Z, 1st NDFD temp valid at 21Z => 0000 (0 if %d)
%d = [d or Md] (No Leading 0's) where d is the difference in days
(zulu) between the reference and valid day. (the M means 'minus')
(See %D option)
%y = [###] ("020") integer part of lower left latitude.
%x = [###] ("121") abs (integer part of lower left longitude).
%s = [surface short form] (0[-]SFC)
%A = generating Center (author) example 007 (NMC)
%a = generating Subcenter (author) example 014 (MDL)
%g = generating ProcessID example 096 (GFS)
%E = For GRIB1 ensemble data from NCEP, "Type-ID Number-Prod ID" see:
Predefined "style numbers":
0 = "%e_%V_%y%x.txt"
1 = "%e_%R_%p_%y%x.txt"
2 = "%e_%v.txt"
3 = "%e_%lv.txt"
4 = "%e_%v_%s.txt"
-namePath [Path]
Name of a directory to put the files in.
Only applicable if -out is NOT Specified.
-log [File]
Name of the file to log errors to. Currently we only log weather key
probe errors to it, but it may have more uses in the future.
CONVERT OPTIONS (see above for "-C" or "-DC")
(Default: -msg 1 -Met -nShp -nFlt -NetCDF 0 -nCsv -nGrib2 -MSB -Unit e
-Decimal 3)
-msg [messageNum]
Which GRIB message to convert (starts with message 1). If
[messageNum] == 0 or "all", convert all messages.
-Met vs -nMet
Create the .txt file, which contains meta data about the message.
-Shp, -Shp2 vs -nShp
Create ESRI .shp files (ie .shp, .shx, .dbf, .prj and .ave files).
The -Shp2 means create verbose shape files if possible (ie have a
column labeled x, y, lon, lat). The -nShp means don't create the
.shp files.
(**** See below for SHP SPECIFIC OPTIONS ****)
-Flt vs -nFlt
Create the .flt files. This includes the .flt, .hdr, and .ave
files. The -nFlt means don't create the .flt files.
(**** See below for FLT SPECIFIC OPTIONS ****)
-NetCDF [type]
"type" is required, and is defined as follows:
0 = Don't create NetCDF
1 = Create NetCDF (version 5/7/2004) based on CF format
You can use "ncview" to view the data.
Allows for 2 dimensional grids (X,Y)
2 = Create NetCDF (version 12/1/2004) based on CF format
Some surpurfulous elements were removed, and it allows for
3 dimensional grids (ValidTime,X,Y)
Developed by: Jason Craig (NCAR / RAP)
3 = Create NetCDF (version 9/16/2005) based on CF format
Some surpurfulous attributes were removed, and it should be
more CF compliant since it has projection_x_coordinate and
projection_y_coordinate variables. "1" had them, but they
were set incorrectly. Removed them in "2".
-Csv vs -nCsv
Create ASCII .csv file, which is a fixed field, comma delimited
file. The -nCsv means don't create the .csv file.
-Grib2 vs -nGrib2
Create a .grb file which contains GRIB2 messages repacked in GRIB2
1) This is not intended to convert GRIB1 messages to GRIB2.
2) This only works for a subset of the GRIB2 packing schemes,
specifically complex packing, and complex packing with
second order differencing.
The -nGrib2 means don't create the .grb file.
Create .IS0 text file for diagnosing the GRIB message.
-MSB vs -nMSB
When generating binary files use Most Significant Byte first (UNIX)
when applicable. The -nMSB does the reverse and stores Least
Significant Byte first (PC). Note: This only applies when the file
format is flexible enough.
-radEarth [value]
Allows the user to override the radius of earth in the GRIB message.
Came about because NCEP GRIB1 state they used 6367.47km, when they
actually use 6371.2km. Current default for NCEP created GRIB1
messages is to use 6371.2
-Unit [type]
This converts recognized elements from their GRIB unit to their
native unit in the metric or English system. [type] is defined as:
none = Use GRIB units.
e or english = Use English units
(Kelvin->Fahrenheit) (M/S->Knots) (kg/m**2->inches)
m or metric = Use metric units
-Decimal [Amount]
Number of decimals used to store the value. Data will be rounded to
this number. Default is 3, although "Amount" is allowed to range
between 0 and 17, since I used doubles to store the data internally.
Note: A 4 byte float can only store about 7 decimals, so
typically "Amount" is <= 5.
-validMax [value]
A maximum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is >
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
-validMin [value]
A minimum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is <
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
-lwlf [lat,lon]
Is the lower left corner of a sub region of the grid. This is mainly
useful for the -Grib2 option when creating sub grids.
Note: lat,lon has no spaces, and lon is positive eastward.
-uprt [lat,lon]
Is the upper right corner of a sub region of the grid. This is
mainly useful for the -Grib2 option when creating sub grids.
Note: lat,lon has no spaces, and lon is positive eastward.
SHP SPECIFIC OPTIONS (see above for "-C" or "-DC" and "-Shp")
(Default: -poly 0)
-poly [type]
"type" is required, and is defined as follows:
0 = Create point shp files instead of polygon shape files.
1 or small = Create polygon shp files with 1 polygon per grid cell.
Results in small polygons, but large file sizes, which in turn has
slow redraws, but allows one to merge the data together in ESRI.
2 or big = Dissolve or merge the small polygons together when they
are the same value. Results in large polygons, but small file
sizes, which in turn has fast redraws, but the polygons change
making it difficult to merge data.
Don't store any missing values in the .shp files.
FLT SPECIFIC OPTIONS (see above for "-C" or "-DC" and "-Flt")
(Default: -Interp 0 -nRevFlt -SimpleVer 4 -SimpleWWA 5)
-GrADS [type] ("type" defaults to 1)
Create a GrADS Control file (.ctl) so .flt file can be used in GrADS.
1 = Create GrADS Control file with TDef = "Reference time"
2 = 9/19/2005 Create GrADS Control file with TDef = "Valid Time".
Needed if we are to implement multiple grids using a single .ctl
Create an ESRI ASCII Grid instead of a binary grid. The binary grid
consists of a .flt and a .hdr file. The ASCII grid combines the two
-Interp [type]
This interpolates to a lat/lon coverage grid using the following
types of interpolation schemes. (Note: "type" is NOT required, and
defaults to 2.):
0 = Use the original GRIB2 projected grid.
1 or near = Use the nearest neighbor method.
2 or bilinear = Use the Bi-Linear interpolation method.
-revFlt vs -nRevFlt
Create a .tlf file which starts at the lower left instead of the .flt
file which starts in the upper left. Typically used with the NDFD
program "imageGen", which needs "-revFlt -nMSB"
The -nRevFlt means don't create the .tlf file.
Use NDFD Weather or Hazard Table to simplify the ugly weather/hazard strings when we
create the .flt file.
-SimpleVer [version]
1 = Use 6/2003 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
2 = Use 1/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
3 = Use 2/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
4 = Use 11/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
-SimpleWWA [version]
1 = Use initial version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
2 = Use 9/2008 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
3 = Use 7/2009 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
4 = Use 3/2017 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
5 = Use 10/2024 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
PROBE OPTIONS (see above for "-P")
(Default: -Interp 1 -pntStyle 0 -WxParse 0 -SimpleVer 4 -SimpleWWA 5 -Separator ", "
-Unit e -Decimal 3)
-Interp [type]
Use this interpolation scheme to get to the specified lat/lon.
(Note: "type" is NOT required, and defaults to 2.)
1 or near = Use the nearest neighbor method.
2 or bilinear = Use the Bi-Linear interpolation method.
-pnt [lat,lon]
The geographic location of the point to probe. (For multiple points,
use -pntFile.)
Note: lat,lon has no spaces, and lon is positive eastward.
-pntFile [File]
An ASCII file containing a list of points to probe. Each line
contains 1 point in the form of "label, lat, lon". A '#' indicates a
comment. "lon" is positive eastward. (As of 1.65 requires comma as the
delimiter instead of either space or comma, so labels can have spaces).
-surface [form]
Add a column for the surface to the probed results.
"form" is defined as:
short = Use surface's abbreviation.
long = Spell out the surface type.
-pntStyle [type]
0 = Elem, Unit, refTime, valTime, (Value at Lat/lon 1), ...
1 = Stn Name(or lat,lon), Elem[Unit], refTime, valTime, value
2 = Stn Name(or lat,lon), Elem[Unit], Surface, refTime, valTime,
value (this is the same as "-pntStyle 1 -surface short").
3 = Stn Name(or lat,lon), Elem[Unit], Surface, refTime, valTime,
value (same as -pntStyle 2 except has a more descriptive Element).
Ignores the label using "(CellX,CellY,lat,lon)" instead. Useful if
one wants to do grid to lat/lon conversions.
-cells [flag]
This option allows one to specify grid cell values instead of lat/lon
to the -pnt option. [flag] is defined as:
all = probe all grid cells regardless of -pnt, and -pntFile options.
true = treat -pnt and -pntFile option's lat/lon's as cell Y, cell X.
-validMax [value]
A maximum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is >
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
-validMin [value]
A minimum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is <
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
0 = Output Ugly strings,
1 = English Translation of Ugly strings
2 = SimpleWx code.
-SimpleVer [version]
(**** See "-WxParse 2" ****)
1 = Use 6/2003 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
2 = Use 1/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
3 = Use 2/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
4 = Use 11/2004 version of NDFD Simple Weather Code
-SimpleWWA [version]
1 = Use initial version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
2 = Use 9/2008 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
3 = Use 7/2009 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
4 = Use 3/2017 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
5 = Use 10/2024 version of NDFD Simple Hazard(WWA) Code
-Separator [string]
String to use to separate columns in the Probe output.
-radEarth [value]
Allows the user to override the radius of earth in the GRIB message.
Came about because NCEP GRIB1 state they used 6367.47km, when they
actually use 6371.2km. Current default for NCEP created GRIB1
messages is to use 6371.2
-Unit [type]
This converts recognized elements from their GRIB unit to their
native unit in the metric or English system. [type] is defined as:
none = Use GRIB units.
e or english = Use English units
(Kelvin->Fahrenheit) (M/S->Knots) (kg/m**2->inches)
m or metric = Use metric units
-Decimal [Amount]
Number of decimals used to store the value. Data will be rounded to
this number. Default is 3, although "Amount" is allowed to range
between 0 and 17, since I used doubles to store the data internally.
Note: A 4 byte float can only store about 7 decimals, so
typically "Amount" is <= 5.
-XML [type]
This converts NDFD specific data into various flavors of XML. The
Default value is -XML 0 (don't create XML).
[type] is defined as:
1 = create DWML "time-series" product with NDFD and/or RTMA elements
2 = create a DWML "glance" product
3 = create DWMLgenByDay "12 hourly" summarization product
4 = create a DWMLgenByDay "24 hourly" summarization product
NOTE: To derive weather summaries, data for wx, maxt, mint, pop12,
wdir, wspd, wgust, and sky are needed.
See also -ndfdVars, -ndfdConven, -Icon, -startTime, and -endTime
-ndfdVars [string]
Specifies the NDFD elements (wind speed, sky cover, weather, etc.)
that you want to appear in the output DWML. The string is a comma
delimited list of weather element codes. The element codes
depend on the which -ndfdConven is used. Omitting -ndfdVars will
yield DWML for all ndfd elements.
Example: -ndfdVars mx,wx,dp (assumes an -ndfdConven 2)
See also -gribFilter -ndfdConven
-ndfdConven [type]
Defines the naming convention used for files containing NDFD GRIB
messages. These names are also used with the -ndfdVars option to
tell degrib which NDFD elements to process. Omitting -ndfdConven
is equivalent to -ndfdConven 1.
[type] is defined as:
[type]= 0 1 2
maxt maxt mx "Maximum Temperature"
mint mint mn "Minimum Temperature"
pop12 pop12 po "12-Hour Probability of Precipitation"
t temp tt "Temperature"
winddir wdir wd "Wind Direction"
windspd wspd ws "Wind Speed"
td td dp "Dewpoint Temperature"
sky sky cl "Sky Cover"
qpf qpf qp "Quantitative Precipitation Forecast"
snowamt snow sn "Snowfall Amount"
wx wx wx "Weather"
waveheight waveh wh "Wave Height"
apparentt apt at "Apparent Temperature (wind chill or heat index)"
rh rhm rh "Relative Humidity"
windgust wgust wg "Wind Gust"
wwa wwa wwa "Watches, Warnings, and Advisories"
prowindspd34i tcwspdabv34i i3 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 34 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd50i tcwspdabv50i i5 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 50 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd64i tcwspdabv64i i6 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 64 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd34c tcwspdabv34c c3 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 34 knots (Cumulative)"
prowindspd50c tcwspdabv50c c5 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 50 knots (Cumulative)"
prowindspd64c tcwspdabv64c c6 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 64 knots (Cumulative)"
convoutlook conhazo ch "Convective Outlook Hazard"
tornadoprob ptornado pt "Probability of Tornadoes"
hailprob phail ph "Probability of Hail"
windprob ptstmwinds pw "Probability of Damaging Thunderstorm Winds"
xtrmtornprob pxtornado xt "Probability of Extreme Tornadoes"
xtrmhailprob pxhail xh "Probabilty of Extreme Hail"
xtrmwindprob pxtstmwinds xw "Probability of Extreme Thunderstorm Winds"
totalsvrprob ptotsvrtstm ps "Total Probability of Severe Thunderstorms"
totalxtrmprob ptotxsvrtstm xs "Total Probability of Extreme Severe Thunderstorms"
probtmpabv144 tempabv14d ta6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw144 tempblw14d tb6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv144 prcpabv14d pa6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw144 prcpblw14d pb6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Precipitation Below Normal"
probtmpabv01m tmpabv30d ta1m "Probability of One-Month Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw01m tmpblw30d tb1m "Probability of One-Month Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv01m prcpabv30d pa1m "Probability of One-Month Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw01m prcpblw30d pb1m "Probability of One-Month Precipitation Below Normal"
probtmpabv03m tmpabv90d ta3m "Probability of Three-Month Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw03m tmpblw90d tb3m "Probability of Three-Month Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv03m prcpabv90d pa3m "Probability of Three-Month Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw03m prcpblw90d pb3m "Probability of Three-Month Precipitation Below Normal"
apcp01 precipa_r apcp01 "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Precipitation"
tcdc sky_r tcdc "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Cloud Amount"
dpt td_r dpt "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Dew Point Temperature"
tmp temp_r tmp "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Temperature"
dpterr utd dpterr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Dew Point Temperature"
tmperr utd temperr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Temperature"
wdirerr uwdir wdirerr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Wind Direction"
winderr uwspd winderr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Wind Speed"
wdir wdir_r wdir "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Wind Direction"
wind wspd_r wind "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Wind Speed"
Example: -ndfdConven 1
-gribFilter [string]
By default when expanding a directory to find GRIB files or database
index files, it looks for (in the GRIB case *.bin) (in the database
case *.ind). In addition, if it doesn't find *.bin (example maxt.bin),
then it also looks for ds.*.bin (example ds.maxt.bin). The reason for
this is because while tcldegrib and tkdegrib rename the file without
the "ds.", the filename on the NDFD https site has a "ds.".
The -gribFilter option lets you over ride the "*.bin" to whatever
convention you are using.
If the -ndfdVars option is given, then it uses that to further qualify
the file.
Example: -ndfdVars maxt,mint -gribFilter "*.grb"
Means look for files "maxt.grb, mint.grb". If you can't find them,
also look for "ds.maxt.grb,".
Example: -gribFilter "*.grb"
-Icon [type]
Indicates that you want the DWML to contain icon information. The
default value is -Icon 0 (no icon information). This option is only
applicable for the "time-series" (-XML 1) product (Icons by default
are formatted for the "glance" product; -XML 2).
[type] is defined as:
0 = Degrib will not format icon XML elements in the DWML.
1 = Degrib will format icon XML elements in the DWML.
Example: -Icon 1
NOTE: To format icon elements, degrib will need temperature,
sky cover, wind speed, probability of precipitation, and
weather files.
-startTime [string]
Establishes the beginning time of the period for which you want data.
The value is a UTC time and can be expressed in several ways. If the
start time is omitted, the DWML document will contain the most recent
data available. Two of the ways you can define the time string are:
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
- = character to delimit date components
T = character to delimit date and time information
: = character to delimit time components
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 1 or 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
/ = character to delimit date components
: = character to delimit time components
NOTE: The quotes are needed in this case to keep the day info
together with the time info. Without the quotes, the space
would confuse the program into treating them as separate
arguments, and not knowing what to do with the time info.
Example: -startTime "10/20/2005 5:00"
Example: -startTime 2005-10-20T05:00:00
Example: -startTime "20051020 5:00"
Example: -startTime "2005-10-20 5:00"
Example: -startTime "October 20, 2005 5:00"
Example: -startTime "Oct 20, 2005 5:00"
-endTime [string]
Establishes the ending time of the period for which you want data.
The value is a UTC time and can be expressed in several ways. If the
end time is omitted, the DWML document will contain the latest data
available. Two of the ways you can define the time string are:
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
- = character to delimit date components
T = character to delimit date and time information
: = character to delimit time components
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 1 or 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
/ = character to delimit date components
: = character to delimit time components
NOTE: The quotes are needed in this case to keep the day info
together with the time info. Without the quotes, the space
would confuse the program into treating them as separate
arguments, and not knowing what to do with the time info.
Example: -endTime 2006-12-25T23:00:00
DATABASE CREATE OPTIONS (see above for "-Data")
The flat file database is made up of 2 (or more) files consisting of:
1) An index file containing meta data and look up information.
2) 1 (or more) grid files.
The grid files are either several (.flt) files, or a single "Cube" file.
(Default: -Cube -msg 0 -Unit e -Decimal 3 -nMSB -revFlt)
-Index [File]
Index file to create or add entries to (*.flx). This file is later
used when you want to probe the database.
Store the grids to a single file cube specified in "-out".
If there is no -out, uses the -Index file and replace the extension
with .dat
Uses "-nameStyle" and "-namePath" to create a set of .flt files for
each message, and update the -Index file.
Append data to the given Index file.
If "-Cube", then add it to the end of the "cube" file.
-msg [messageNum]
Which GRIB message to add. Typically 0 or "all".
-MSB vs -nMSB
The index file is by definition not MSB, but the .flt or "cube" files
can be. Preference is of -nMSB for Linux web servers.
-radEarth [value]
Allows the user to override the radius of earth in the GRIB message.
Came about because NCEP GRIB1 state they used 6367.47km, when they
actually use 6371.2km. Current default for NCEP created GRIB1
messages is to use 6371.2
-Unit [type]
This converts recognized elements from their GRIB unit to their
native unit in the metric or English system. [type] is defined as:
none = Use GRIB units.
e or english = Use English units
(Kelvin->Fahrenheit) (M/S->Knots) (kg/m**2->inches)
m or metric = Use metric units
-Decimal [Amount]
Number of decimals used to store the value. Data will be rounded to
this number. Default is 3, although "Amount" is allowed to range
between 0 and 17, since I used doubles to store the data internally.
Note: A 4 byte float can only store about 7 decimals, so
typically "Amount" is <= 5.
-validMax [value]
A maximum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is >
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
-validMin [value]
A minimum expected value in the field. If a value in the grid is <
"value", then the file is probably corrupt, and degrib should abort.
-revFlt vs -nRevFlt
Create the "cube" or ".flt" file starting at the lower left instead
of the upper left.
The -nRevFlt means don't create the .tlf file.
DATABASE PROBE OPTIONS (see above for "-DP")
Given an Index file (.flx) find all information pertaining to a given
(Default: -pntStyle 0 -WxParse 0 -Separator ", " -Decimal 3)
Print the Index file (useful for debugging).
-pnt [lat,lon]
The geographic location of the point to probe. (For multiple points,
use -pntFile.)
Note: lat,lon has no spaces, and lon is positive eastward.
-pntFile [File]
An ASCII file containing a list of points to probe.
Each line contains 1 point in the form of "label, lat, lon"
A '#' indicates a comment. "lon" is positive eastward.
-pntStyle [type]
0 = Elem, Unit, refTime, valTime, (Value at Lat/lon 1), ...
1 = Stn Name(or lat,lon), Elem[Unit], refTime, valTime, value
0 = Output Ugly strings,
1 = English Translation of Ugly strings
2 = SimpleWx code.
-Separator [string]
String to use to separate columns in the Probe output.
-radEarth [value]
Allows the user to override the radius of earth in the GRIB message.
Came about because NCEP GRIB1 state they used 6367.47km, when they
actually use 6371.2km. Current default for NCEP created GRIB1
messages is to use 6371.2
-Decimal [Amount]
Number of decimals used to store the value. Data will be rounded to
this number. Default is 3, although "Amount" is allowed to range
between 0 and 17, since I used doubles to store the data internally.
Note: A 4 byte float can only store about 7 decimals, so
typically "Amount" is <= 5.
-XML [type]
This converts NDFD specific data into various flavors of XML. The
Default value is -XML 0 (don't create XML).
[type] is defined as:
1 = create DWML "time-series" product with NDFD and/or RTMA elements
2 = create a DWML "glance" product
3 = create DWMLgenByDay "12 hourly" summarization product
4 = create a DWMLgenByDay "24 hourly" summarization product
See also -ndfdVars, -ndfdConven, -Icon, -startTime, and -endTime
-ndfdVars [string]
Specifies the NDFD elements (wind speed, sky cover, weather, etc.)
that you want to appear in the output DWML. The string is a comma
delimited list of weather element codes. The element codes
depend on the which -ndfdConven is used. Omitting -ndfdVars will
yield DWML for all ndfd elements.
Example: -ndfdVars mx,wx,dp (assumes an -ndfdConven 2)
See also -gribFilter -ndfdConven
-ndfdConven [type]
Defines the naming convention used for files containing NDFD GRIB
messages. These names are also used with the -ndfdVars option to
tell degrib which NDFD elements to process. Omitting -ndfdConven
is equivalent to -ndfdConven 1.
[type] is defined as:
[type]= 0 1 2
maxt maxt mx "Maximum Temperature"
mint mint mn "Minimum Temperature"
pop12 pop12 po "12-Hour Probability of Precipitation"
t temp tt "Temperature"
winddir wdir wd "Wind Direction"
windspd wspd ws "Wind Speed"
td td dp "Dewpoint Temperature"
sky sky cl "Sky Cover"
qpf qpf qp "Quantitative Precipitation Forecast"
snowamt snow sn "Snowfall Amount"
wx wx wx "Weather"
waveheight waveh wh "Wave Height"
apparentt apt at "Apparent Temperature (wind chill or heat index)"
rh rhm rh "Relative Humidity"
windgust wgust wg "Wind Gust"
wwa wwa wwa "Watches, Warnings, and Advisories"
prowindspd34i tcwspdabv34i i3 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 34 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd50i tcwspdabv50i i5 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 50 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd64i tcwspdabv64i i6 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 64 knots (Incremental)"
prowindspd34c tcwspdabv34c c3 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 34 knots (Cumulative)"
prowindspd50c tcwspdabv50c c5 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 50 knots (Cumulative)"
prowindspd64c tcwspdabv64c c6 "Probability of a Tropical Wind Speed above 64 knots (Cumulative)"
convoutlook conhazo ch "Convective Outlook Hazard"
tornadoprob ptornado pt "Probability of Tornadoes"
hailprob phail ph "Probability of Hail"
windprob ptstmwinds pw "Probability of Damaging Thunderstorm Winds"
xtrmtornprob pxtornado xt "Probability of Extreme Tornadoes"
xtrmhailprob pxhail xh "Probabilty of Extreme Hail"
xtrmwindprob pxtstmwinds xw "Probability of Extreme Thunderstorm Winds"
totalsvrprob ptotsvrtstm ps "Total Probability of Severe Thunderstorms"
totalxtrmprob ptotxsvrtstm xs "Total Probability of Extreme Severe Thunderstorms"
probtmpabv144 tempabv14d ta6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw144 tempblw14d tb6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv144 prcpabv14d pa6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw144 prcpblw14d pb6d "Probability of 8 to 14 day Precipitation Below Normal"
probtmpabv01m tmpabv30d ta1m "Probability of One-Month Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw01m tmpblw30d tb1m "Probability of One-Month Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv01m prcpabv30d pa1m "Probability of One-Month Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw01m prcpblw30d pb1m "Probability of One-Month Precipitation Below Normal"
probtmpabv03m tmpabv90d ta3m "Probability of Three-Month Temperature Above Normal"
probtmpblw03m tmpblw90d tb3m "Probability of Three-Month Temperature Below Normal"
probprcpabv03m prcpabv90d pa3m "Probability of Three-Month Precipitation Above Normal"
probprcpblw03m prcpblw90d pb3m "Probability of Three-Month Precipitation Below Normal"
apcp01 precipa_r apcp01 "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Precipitation"
tcdc sky_r tcdc "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Cloud Amount"
dpt td_r dpt "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Dew Point Temperature"
tmp temp_r tmp "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Temperature"
dpterr utd dpterr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Dew Point Temperature"
tmperr utd temperr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Temperature"
wdirerr uwdir wdirerr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Wind Direction"
winderr uwspd winderr "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis Uncertainty for Wind Speed"
wdir wdir_r wdir "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Wind Direction"
wind wspd_r wind "Real Time Mesoscale Analysis for Wind Speed"
Example: -ndfdConven 1
-gribFilter [string]
By default when expanding a directory to find GRIB files or database
index files, it looks for (in the GRIB case *.bin) (in the database
case *.ind). In addition, if it doesn't find *.bin (example maxt.bin),
then it also looks for ds.*.bin (example ds.maxt.bin). The reason for
this is because while tcldegrib and tkdegrib rename the file without
the "ds.", the filename on the NDFD https site has a "ds.".
The -gribFilter option lets you over ride the "*.bin" to whatever
convention you are using.
If the -ndfdVars option is given, then it uses that to further qualify
the file.
Example: -ndfdVars maxt,mint -gribFilter "*.grb"
Means look for files "maxt.grb, mint.grb". If you can't find them,
also look for "ds.maxt.grb,".
Example: -gribFilter "*.grb"
-Icon [type]
Indicates that you want the DWML to contain icon information. The
default value is -Icon 0 (no icon information). This option is only
applicable for the "time-series" (-XML 1) product (Icons by default
are formatted for the "glance" product; -XML 2).
[type] is defined as:
0 = Degrib will not format icon XML elements in the DWML.
1 = Degrib will format icon XML elements in the DWML.
Example: -Icon 1
NOTE: To format icon elements, degrib will need temperature,
sky cover, wind speed, probability of precipitation, and
weather files.
-startTime [string]
Establishes the beginning time of the period for which you want data.
The value is a UTC time and can be expressed in several ways. If the
start time is omitted, the DWML document will contain the most recent
data available. Two of the ways you can define the time string are:
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
- = character to delimit date components
T = character to delimit date and time information
: = character to delimit time components
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 1 or 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
/ = character to delimit date components
: = character to delimit time components
NOTE: The quotes are needed in this case to keep the day info
together with the time info. Without the quotes, the space
would confuse the program into treating them as separate
arguments, and not knowing what to do with the time info.
Example: -startTime "10/20/2005 5:00"
Example: -startTime 2005-10-20T05:00:00
Example: -startTime "20051020 5:00"
Example: -startTime "2005-10-20 5:00"
Example: -startTime "October 20, 2005 5:00"
Example: -startTime "Oct 20, 2005 5:00"
-endTime [string]
Establishes the ending time of the period for which you want data.
The value is a UTC time and can be expressed in several ways. If the
end time is omitted, the DWML document will contain the latest data
available. Two of the ways you can define the time string are:
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
- = character to delimit date components
T = character to delimit date and time information
: = character to delimit time components
YYYY = 4 digit year
MM = 2 digit month
DD = 2 digit day of the month
HH = 1 or 2 digit hour of the day (24 hour clock)
SS = 2 digit seconds
/ = character to delimit date components
: = character to delimit time components
NOTE: The quotes are needed in this case to keep the day info
together with the time info. Without the quotes, the space
would confuse the program into treating them as separate
arguments, and not knowing what to do with the time info.
Example: -endTime 2006-12-25T23:00:00
REFERENCE TIME OPTIONS (see above for "-refTime")
(Default: -tmFormat "%D %H:%M")
-tmFormat [format]
Use "format" as the time format of the output.
(**** See: Tcl/Tk clock format for reference ****)
SECTOR OPTIONS (see above for "-Sector")
-sectFile [filename]
The ASCII file containing the grid specifications for the sectors.
File is : delimitted with the following fields:
name, Type, Nx, Ny, Lat1, Lon1, OrientLon, Dx, Dy, MeshLat, Scan,
Lat2, Lon2, ScaleLat1, ScaleLat2, RadiusMax, RadiusMin, path
Typically located in "/degrib/bin/sector.tbl". If not provided, uses
the default NDFD sectors.
-pnt [lat,lon]
The geographic location of the point to determine the sector(s) for.
Note: lat,lon has no spaces, and lon is positive eastward.
-cells [flag]
This option allows one to print out lat, lon, cellX, cellY, in/out
for each sector.
flag == "all" => -pnt are lat/lon values
flag == "true" => -pnt are Y/X values
degrib -V
Print version information.
degrib foo.bin -I
Print an inventory of the messages in file foo.bin.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg 2
Convert message 2 in foo.bin, creating the meta file (*.txt) and
saving it as [namestyle 2].txt.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg 2 -nMet -Shp -out sample.flt
Convert message 2 in foo.bin, creating the .shp files, saving them as
sample.shp, sample.shx, sample.dbf, sample.ave.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg 2 -nMet -Flt
Convert message 2 in foo.bin, creating the .flt set sending the
results to [namestyle 2].flt, [namestyle 2].hdr, and
[namestyle 2].ave.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg 2 -nMet -Flt -Interp 2
Convert message 2 in foo.bin, creating the .flt set, having first
created an unprojected cover grid, and using bi-linear interpolation
to fill that grid. The results are stored in [namestyle 2].flt,
[namestyle 2].hdr, and [namestyle 2].ave.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg 2 -nMet -Flt -revFlt
Convert message 2 in foo.bin, creating the .tlf set which starts at
the lower left instead of the upper left. The results are stored in
[namestyle 2].tlf, [namestyle 2].hdr, and [namestyle 2].ave.
degrib foo.bin -C -msg all -cfg test.cfg
Convert all messages from foo.bin, using options stored in test.cfg
degrib foo.bin -P -pnt 30,-90
Probe foo.bin for all the messages in foo.bin for data located at
lat=30, lon=-90, and print it to standard output.
degrib foo.bin -P -pntFile foo.txt
Probe foo.bin for all the messages in foo.bin for data located at
points specified in foo.txt, and print it to standard output.
degrib foo.bin -refTime -tmFormat "%D %H:%M"
Print out the oldest reference time in the file foo.bin.
Arthur Taylor (RSIS/MDL/NWS/NOAA) (8/26/2002 to 6/1/2004)
Arthur Taylor (MDL/NWS/NOAA) (6/1/2004 to current time)
Report bugs to
HUMOR (Credit: deep c secrets)
Definition of "strong typing": Pound extra hard on the keyboard!
Take this out and a UNIX Demon will dog your steps from now until the
time_t's wrap around (preferably the lpd).
You can degrib a grid, but you can't degrid a grib.
Created 8/26/2002. This is given out in hopes that it proves useful.
There is NO Warranty: not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A