National Blend of Models - MDL
The National Blend of Models (NBM) is a nationally consistent and skillful suite of calibrated forecast guidance based on a blend of both NWS and non-NWS numerical weather prediction model data and post-processed model guidance. The goal of the NBM is to create a highly accurate, skillful and consistent starting point for the gridded forecast. This new way to produce NDFD grids will be helpful providing forecasters with a suite of information to use for their forecasts. The NBM is considered an important part of the efforts to evolve NWS capabilities to achieve a Weather-Ready Nation.
The NBM has upgraded to version 4.2 as of May 15, 2024. An overview of improvements and additions to the NBM are detailed in our MEG webinar presentation here. Also feel free to participate in the NBM Forums.
Along with the upgrade to version 4.2 on May 15, 2024, we have also added interactive web pages for users curious about what goes into NBM output. The following sites have been created and/or modified since the previous version of the blend:
NBM Dashboard
The NBM dashboard provides users information regarding the model inputs used for various elements provided in NBM output. By selecting a valid run time, region, weather element, and projection, a tabular display of these inputs and whether they were available for that particular run of the NBM is shown.

NBM Weather Elements Table
A breakdown of the NBM weather elements available to end users summarizes which elements are available by region along with a product description. The entries are interactive - more information about how they are produced, as well as links to applicable elements to the dashboard and those computed with expert weighting, can be seen by clicking on the dropdown by the element name.

NOAA Resources (login required)
Public Resources
For further information about the National Blend of Models, please contact the NBM Web Team.