MDL upgraded the LAMP/GLMP systems to v2.6 in September 2024.  For more information, please refer to the news article here and to SCN 24-80.

LAMP/GLMP Experimental Products


NWS/MDL has solicited comments on the proposed LAMP and Gridded LAMP v2.6 upgrade via the following Public Information Statement: PNS 24-11 and will implement the changes on or about September 26, 2024.
Summary of proposed changes (see PNS for further details):

For more details, please see our slides detailing the "User Evaluation Information for LAMP/GLMP v2.6 and Proposed Termination of LAMP Station Plot Webpage" at this link.

(1) Addition of station-based guidance for ceiling height and visibility valid for 15-minute periods out to six hours, updated every 15 minutes (96 cycles per day). This will include guidance for the lowest category ceiling height and lowest category visibility condition that is forecast to occur during each 15-minute period. The guidance will be produced in a text bulletin format that displays ceiling height and visibility categories valid for 15-minute periods out to six hours for 1841 CONUS stations.  

(2) Addition of GLMP guidance for ceiling height and visibility valid for 15-minute periods out to six hours, updated every 15 minutes (96 cycles per day). This will include probabilistic and deterministic guidance for the lowest ceiling height and lowest visibility condition that is forecast to occur during each 15-minute period.  The guidance will be produced in GRIB2 format on the National Blend of Models (NBM) CONUS domain for the following variables:

  1. Deterministic ceiling height (m)
  2. Probability of ceiling < 500 ft (%)
  3. Probability of ceiling < 1000 ft (%)
  4. Probability of ceiling <= 3000 ft (%)
  5. Deterministic visibility (mi)
  6. Probability of visibility < 1 mi (%)
  7. Probability of visibility < 3 mi (%)
  8. Probability of visibility <= 5 mi (%)

(3) Minor bug fixes that will include: A) Addition of a post-processing check for GLMP wind gusts to prevent negative values from occurring on the grid, B) An adjustment to the LAMP advection model to prevent large visibility values from advecting over the station in rare cases of high winds, and C) Removal of a problematic mesonet station (TRJHS) from the GLMP temperature/dewpoint analysis.

(4) Proposed discontinuation of the legacy station forecast images web page that displays station point guidance for various LAMP elements, located at the following address: