
The Rainfall Rate Quantitative Precipitation Estimate (RRQPE) product contains an image with pixel values identifying the rainfall rate. The product includes data quality information that provides an assessment of the rainfall rate data values for on-earth pixels. The algorithm derives the RRQPE values from ABI channels 8, 10, 11, 14, and 15 to analyze cloud brightness temperatures against the NWS/CPC combined microwave product (MWCOMB) to predict rainfall rates.


False Readings: Because precipitating clouds are opaque in the infrared, the algorithm attempts to infer surface rainfall rate from cloud-top temperatures and properties implied by the ABI brightness temperatures. The result is that rain rates tend to be more accurate for convective precipitation (where the relationship between cloud-top temperature and updraft strength is more direct) than for stratiform precipitation. However, it should also be noted that thick cirrus anvils can obscure convective precipitation or sometimes be incorrectly depicted themselves as producing precipitation. Also, although the algorithm adjusts for parallax, in high-shear environments with non-vertical rain shafts the satellite-retrieved rainfall may be shifted relative to rainfall at the ground. Finally, orographic modulation by seeder-feeder mechanisms will not be detected by this algorithm since the "feeder" cloud causing the enhancement will be obscured by the "seeder" cloud above it.


Location: GOES-East and GOES-West By Sector → Select East or West Full Disk → Derived Products → RR/QPE


Sampling: inches/hour

Quality Flags: DQF_status_flag

Technique: The amount of rain and the rate at which it is falling is important for flood forecasting as well as agricultural and water resource management. Accurate rainfall rates from areas with limited ground-based radar, for example mountainous headwaters and off-shore coastal storms, contribute to improved forecasts and warnings.

AWIPS Technical Details

Sector Full Disk
Refresh Rate 10 min
Size ~0.2 GB/day; ~2 MB/file per satellite
Resolution 2km at nadir
Data Source PDA
Projection GOES-R Fixed Grid
Storage Location /data_store/goes-r/
WMO Header East: IXTF99 KNES; West: IXTF89 KNES
Product Short Name OR_ABI-L2-RRQPEF
Data Path SBN EXP
AWIPS Configuration Baseline
AWIPS Plugin goes-r
Edex Purge Rule 1 day baseline

Use Cases & More

More information can be retrieved from NCEI, STAR, and GOES-R.

Point of Contact: Bob Kuligowski

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This page was last updated on March 26, 2024.