GOES-R Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery (SCMI)


The GOES-R Sectorized Cloud and Moisture Imagery (SCMI) products monitor the Earth, atmosphere, and ocean system using the 16 spectral bands of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instrument aboard the GOES-East and GOES-West satellites. The measured reflectance/radiance within the visible/near-infrared and infrared bands are converted into brightness values (BVs) and brightness temperatures (BTs), respectively. These BVs and BTs are used to produce digital maps of clouds, moisture, and atmospheric windows, through which land and water are observed. There are several products using these single-band data. Channel differences and RGB composite imagery are among the popular derivatives. CMI data also provides input to scientific algorithms producing L2+ environmental products. SCMI products are available as rectangular tiles covering the geographic areas depicted here.


Half-Disks Over the SBN: SCMI products denoted “Full Disk” (FD) on the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) cover only the Northern Hemisphere. (Among the NWS operations needing Southern Hemisphere SCMI, none depend on SBN for it.)

Full/Half-Disk Resolution Over the SBN: All SCMI products denoted “Full Disk” (FD) on the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) are resampled from their native (0.5km, 1km, or 2km) ground resolution to 6km resolution (to limit their file sizes).

Band 13 Full Disk imagery is sent over SBN at its full (2 km) ground resolution. (Like all “Full Disk” SCMI, it covers only the Northern Hemisphere: see previous note on “Half-Disks over the SBN.”)


Location: Satellite → GOES-East and GOES-West By Sector → select sector → Imagery Channels → select channel

Color Maps:

CH 01-06: GOES-R/VIS/VIS_gray_sq-root-12

CH 07: GOES-R/IR/enhanced-rainbow_warmer_yellow

CH 08-10: GOES-R/IR/ramsdis_WV_12bit

CH 11-16: GOES-R/IR/IR_Color_Clouds_Winter


CH 01-06 N/A

CH 07-16 in Kelvin

CH 13 alias in DegF

Quality Flags: DQF 0-3: good_pixels_qf, conditionally_usable_pixels_qf, out_of_range_pixels_qf, no_value_pixels_qf


*See Limitations regarding Full Disk products over SBN

AWIPS Technical Details



Full Disk, CONUS, Mesoscale 1, Mesoscale 2

Regional GOES-East: Puerto Rico

Regional GOES-West: American Samoa

Refresh Rate

FD & Regional: 10 min

CONUS: 5 min

Meso-1 & Meso-2: 1 min


GOES-East: ~63 GB/day

GOES-West: ~70 GB/day


Bands 1, 3, 5:  1 km (10,848x10,848 pixels)

Band 2:         0.5 km (21,696x21,696 pixels)

Bands 4, 6-16: 2 km (5,424x5,424 pixels)
Data Source SBN GRE/GRW
Projection GOES-R Fixed Grid
Storage Location /data_store/goes-r
WMO Header TI[RSU][A-VYZ][0|1][0-9] KNES
Product Short Name N/A (not through PDA)
Data Path GOES-R Ground System → NCF → SBN GRE/GRW
AWIPS Configuration


Edex Purge Rule 1 day baseline

Use Cases & More

Using NOAA Satellite Data to Detect and Track Blowing Dust - B. Line, Satellite Book Club #94, April 21, 2022

GOES-R Satellite Applications for Heavy Rainfall - B. Haines, V. Vincente, Satellite Book Club #112, September 1, 2022

Use of the MOSHE Parameter to Identify Tornadic HSLC Environments - D. Kahn, Satellite Book Club #114, September 15, 2022

More information can be retrieved from VLab Data Format Registry, ATBD, Product Performance Guide, GOES-R, Quick Guides, and GOES User Guide.

Point of Contact: Tim Schmit

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This page was last updated on May 20, 2024.