GOES Cloud Top Pressure


The GOES-R Cloud Top Pressure product provides a map and cursor read-out of pressure readings at the tops of clouds. It is derived using the 11.2 um (CH 14), 12.3 um (CH 15), and 13.3 um (CH 16) bands. This product is used in RAP and HRRR weather model assimilation and in the creation of the GOES derived motion winds product. It is also created simultaneously with the GOES-R Cloud Top Height and Temperature products.


Erroneous Valuation: Any upstream issues with the GOES clear sky mask and cloud phase products (used as inputs) may cause pixel misclassification. Regions with undetected inversions may also produce erroneous values. Accuracy is reduced in multi-layered clouds.


Location: GOES-East and GOES-West By Sector → Full Disk or CONUS → Derived Products → Cloud Top Pressure

Color Maps: GOES-R/GOESR-L2/VTRSB (baseline). Units are millibars (mb or equivalently hPA). Brighter or “warmer” colors imply higher pressures (lower levels in the atmosphere), while the colder or “darker” colors imply much lower pressures (or higher altitudes in the atmosphere).

Sampling: Millibars (mb)

Quality Flags: A “good quality” flag mask is used to retain pixels that meet good quality thresholds.

Technique: Compare the GOES-R Cloud Top Pressure for a given time against vertical sounding parameters (including pressure values) when doing thermodynamic analysis.

AWIPS Technical Details

Sector Full Disk and CONUS
Refresh Rate Full Disk: 10 min; CONUS: 5 min
Size ~15MB/hr
Resolution 10km at nadir
Data Source PDA
Projection GOES-R Fixed Grid
Storage Location /data_store/goes-r/
Product Short Name OR_ABI-L2-CTP[F|C|]
Data Path SBN EXP
AWIPS Configuration Baseline
AWIPS Plugin goes-r
Edex Purge Rule 1 day baseline

Use Cases & More

More information can be retrieved from the Quick GuideGOES-R, and STAR.

Point of Contact: Andrew Heidinger

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This page was last updated on May 17, 2024.