ATMS MiRS - Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S)
ATMS MiRS - Atmospheric Products
The operational Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) aims to upgrade the NESDIS current operational Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System (MSPPS) and build a one-stop shop for microwave products from various satellites with different instrumental configurations. With the capability of providing optimal and physically-based retrievals of atmospheric and surface state parameters, the operational MiRS will produce advanced near-real-time surface and precipitation products in all-weather and over all-surface conditions using brightness temperatures from the microwave instruments. Total Precipitable Water, Cloud Liquid Water, Rain Rate, and Skin Temperature products are available by subscription from PDA (but not sent over SBN).
Ground Resolution: The resolution varies greatly as the data points veer from nadir. Information from the outer edges of the viewing range is unreliable.
View Infrequency: A single area is only viewed twice per day.
Lag: Data refreshes every 90 minutes at minimum.

Location: Satellite → S-NPP and NOAA-20 → Derived Products → ATMS Products
Color Maps: Grid/Gridded Data
Sampling: TPW inches; CLW inches; RR in/hr; TSkin Degrees Celsius
Quality Flags: Qc: 0-good, 1-usable with problem, 2-bad
Technique: The Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) operates in conjunction with the CrIS to profile atmospheric temperature and moisture. Higher (spatial, temporal and spectral) resolution and more accurate sounding data from CrIS and ATMS support continuing advances in data assimilation systems and NWP models to improve short- to medium-range weather forecasts.
AWIPS Technical Details
Sector | 33-minute granules (3 granules/orbit); 2600km swath width |
Refresh Rate | 1.5hr/11hr global |
Size | ~2.98 GB/day per satellite |
Resolution | 15 km nadir |
Data Source | NDE → PDA |
Projection | None (lon/lat positions) |
Storage Location | N/A |
WMO Header | N/A |
Product Short Name | NPR-MIRS-IMG |
Data Path | Data Delivery |
AWIPS Configuration | TOWR-S RPM v22 |
AWIPS Plugin | Pointset |
Edex Purge Rule | 1 day default |
Use Cases & More
MiRS for Aviation Weather in Alaska - C. Dierking, JPSS/GOES-R PG/RR Summit, 2020
More information can be retrieved from STAR, OSPO, CIRA, GINA
Point of Contact: Quanhua (Mark) Liu
This page was last updated on March 26, 2024.