Archive - Total Operational Weather Readiness - Satellites (TOWR-S)

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User Guide for GOES-R Imagery on NOAAPort SBN v 0.4 - DOCX

User Guide for GOES-R Imagery on NOAAPort SBN v 0.4 - DOCX

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October News

Updated October 8, 2024

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Recent Updates

GOES-19 Data Availability

The first public images from GOES-19 ABI were released on September 18. ABI data was then declared Beta Maturity and began direct broadcast over the GOES Rebroadcast (GRB) on October 2.

Image caption: GOES-19 Full Disk CIRA GeoColor Imagery from August 30, 2024 at 1800 UTC.

Most field offices do not have access to GOES-19 imagery while it is of Beta Maturity. Provisional data may be shared with the caveat “GOES-19 Preliminary, Non-Operational Data”. The ABI Provisional Maturity declaration is expected on January 3, 2025. Operational products from ABI are expected beginning April 4, 2025, when GOES-19 is scheduled to replace GOES-16 as GOES-East.

GOES-19 is carrying a new space weather instrument, the Compact CORonagraph (CCOR). CCOR successfully powered on as scheduled on July 26, the first public imagery is expected to be released this month. See the “Looking Ahead” section below for more information about the GOES-19 T2O.


TOWRpro v25 Release

Updates to the TOWR-S RPM and AWIPS Pre-Processor (APP) have been bundled and deployed as TOWRpro v25. Developers on the TOWR-S Team have been working with the NWS Operations Proving Ground on the final adjustments to the RPM. Deployment to additional test sites and the broader field will continue throughout October and into early November. Specific timing will be communicated when available. More details about what the software package entails are included in the Quarterly Update slides. Contact Lee Byerle or Emily Maddox with questions.


NWS Satellite Readiness Roadmap Activities

The TOWR-S Team is coordinating with colleagues across NWS and NESDIS to guide the future of weather satellite observations at NOAA. This joint effort is currently in the research and planning stage, focusing on the transition to AWIPS in the Cloud, user readiness for near-term satellite missions, and a joint data strategy. Updates and publications from Roadmap activities will be highlighted in this monthly bulletin for the foreseeable future.

The first report for the Roadmap is on NWS readiness for the Metop-Second Generation satellites, developed by European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and to be launched from ESA beginning in 2025. The TOWR-S Team finished their documentation, and are working with NESDIS colleagues to continue fleshing out the readiness plan. Access to the report may be requested here.


TOWR-S Quarterly Update

Each quarter, the TOWR-S Team and the NWS Office of Observations review recent and upcoming satellite data products, services, and resources supporting forecast operations. The final 2024 presentation occurred on October 4, the slides are available on VLab. Please contact Derek Van Pelt with any questions.


Alaska NextGen Satellite Workshop

In September, Federal representatives from the TOWR-S Team traveled to Alaska to meet with regional forecasters and participate in the NextGen Satellite Workshop. Materials from all of the presenters are available for request here.


Satellite Applications Symposia: Weather

The GeoXO Program hosted two identical symposia in August for NWS users to discuss the current status and future of our satellite capabilities. TOWR-S Team members joined NESDIS in presenting information on GeoXO instrument plans (e.g., imagery, sounder and lightning mapper data), NEON (the follow-on series to JPSS), and the NWS Satellite Readiness Roadmap (see above). Presentations were followed by in-depth conversations with field users about their needs and experiences. Slides from the event are available via NESDIS. A recording of the first session can be requested here.


GOES Aerosol Detection Dust and Smoke Product Availability

The GOES Aerosol Detection Dust and Smoke product was updated on April 17. This update requires a configuration patch to view the product. The patch will be included in TOWRpro v25 (see above), though TOWR-S is offering an interim v25 "patch" for sites who request them. If you would like the v25 patch, please contact Emily Maddox.

Looking Ahead


The GOES-19 satellite is expected to become Operational on April 4, 2025, replacing GOES-16 in the GOES-East role at Longitude 75.2°W. Until then, all data is considered Preliminary, Non-Operational. The GOES-19 Transition to Operations (T2O) timeline is available via the GOES-R website.

GOES-19 carries the same instrument suite as GOES-18, plus a new solar Compact CORonagraph (CCOR). The TOWR-S team has participated in two in-depth test events using simulated GOES-19 data, and confirmed the AWIPS configurations needed for a seamless transition from GOES-16 to GOES-19.


ALPW and Enterprise Rain Rate Products Coming to SBN

A set of Advected Layered Precipitable Water (ALPW) products from the JPSS satellites, produced by CIRA, is now available on PDA Ops. This is expected to become available on SBN in December, replacing a similar dataset currently available over regional LDM. ALPW will be supported by TOWRpro v25. A Service Change Notice (SCN) will be posted in coming weeks.

Each of the 4 ALPW products as seen in AWIPS at 0300 UTC Aug 6, 2024

Also coming to the SBN this winter is the Enterprise Rain Rate from GOES. This will replace the current product. More information about the rollout will be posted when available.

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