Damage survey references

This page is a compilation of Internet reference links (not accessible from AWIPS) concerning that part of post-event analysis dealing with damage assessment. 

Courses available online and the LMS

EF Scale course
Synopsis: This course allows you to become familiar with the reason why the EF Scale was created and how to use it while on a damage survey.  Lesson 1 (download, powerpoint) of the course serves as the orientation to the scale while lesson 2 (download, powerpoint) shows you how to use the scale.  Case studies help to walk you through damage surveys and engages you to make the call on rating structures. The list of case studies follows:

  1. 2004-05-22 Hallam, NE  (download, powerpoint)
  2. 2006-04-13 Anamosa, IA (download, powerpoint)

NWS staff should take the lessons above and then the quiz in the NWS Learning Management System to get credit.

EF Scale Resources

EF kit - This kit is a PC-based tool to assist surveyors in the field.  The tool opens up with three buttons starting on the top with the tool kit, then to self-contained references on commonly used construction terms, and then access to the EF Scale course available online.

The original EF Scale document - For those that prefer the original source information to the EF Scale, this document, authored by Drs. Kishor Mehta and James MacDonald, is the primary reference to be used as of this date.

The Guide to F Scale Damage Assessment - This is the most comprehensive reference guide to damage surveying in existence even though it was authored by Dr. Charles Doswell before the advent of the EF Scale.  The content is still relevant today as long as one considers the EF Scale where the F Scale was referenced and also consideration is given where the Damage Assessment Tool replaces the relevant legacy methods of documenting the damage.

Damage Assessment Toolkit  (DAT)

The DAT has its own documentation website containing information about the software, latest bugs and enhancements, installation instructions, operating instructions, user notices, and training resources

At this time there is no LMS presence for the DAT training.  Instead, you are welcome to view the videos in the day 1 and day 2 links within the training resources page.