Boundary Tool Jobsheet

Boundary Tool Jobsheet

Summary: This jobsheet will cover loading the Boundary Tool and creating a moving boundary and a stationary boundary.

  1. Click on the Satellite menu in D2D and select an IR Window product (Fig. 1).
  2. Zoom in on any feature you want to track and pretend it is a boundary. Then navigate to the time you want to define the boundary to start (usually last frame; Fig. 2).
  3. Under the Tools menu load Boundary Tool, and in the Boundary Editor click Insert Boundary. Do not change any of the other fields yet (Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig. 5). 
  4. Use the left-mouse button to move the vertices in the line tool to points along the pretend boundary and middle click on the line tool to add more vertices to your boundary. Do not move your line segment while doing this (Fig. 6).
  5. In the Boundary Editor window select 8 hrs for Boundary Duration (hrs), Cold Front under Boundary Type, and Moving under Boundary Mode (Fig. 7).
  6. Step back a number of frames and then left click and hold on the line and drag it back to the feature you are tracking (Fig. 8, Fig. 9).
  7. Step through the loop and ensure you have a good boundary track. Then click on Save Boundary Data to save the boundary (Fig. 10). Note your boundary ID is displayed at one of the vertices on your boundary.
  8. Zoom out and find another feature to track. Then click on Insert Boundary to create another boundary (Fig. 11).
  9. Move your new line and vertices to match another feature, middle clicking on the line to add any necessary vertices. Set the Boundary Type to STATIONARY/WARM FRONT and Boundary Mode to Stationary and click Save Boundary Data (Fig. 12, Fig. 13).

If you click on the pullout for Edit Boundary, you can see the individual boundary ids you have created. If you select any boundary id, you can further modify the characteristics and save the boundary using the Boundary Editor buttons. If you have selected a boundary ID and want to change the motion, note that after you click on the Modify the Motion button, the boundary resets to stationary, so after adjusting the boundary vertices you need to select a Moving Boundary Mode.