FFMP ARI Configuration Guidance

ARIs and MRMS are not displayable in AWIPS by default with 16.2.1. The ARI data can be downloaded, and FFMP can be configured to display ARIs and MRMS. The instructions for setting this up are in the AWIPS Living Release Notes Google Doc (around row 42 labeled ARI/FFMP and MRMS). The basic steps that are in a bit of a better order are listed below:

  1. Ensure you have FFMP maps by loading them from the Maps->FFMP Basins->FFMP Small Stream Basins (these have been getting dropped in build updates which causes failures in FFMP customization creating the binary files that map data to basins).
  2. Configure FFMPRunConfix.xml for MRMS at the bottom of the file in the product name tags section using: <product name="MRMS" key="mrms"/>
  3. Ensure FFMPSourceConfig.xml has entries for ARIs.
    1. If you have an old FMPSourceConfig.xml override file, it will prevent the newer changes from taking effect. To see what the ARI and MRMS tags look like you can view the 21.4.1 base FFMPSourceConfig.xml file here.
    2. Select your override file (either site or configured) and right click to compare.
    3. If you see any significant differences (e.g. missing all the ARI references), you likely need to move your FFMPSourceConfig.xml file out of the way, and EDEX will generate a new file with a Configured override.  You will need to manually adjust the hydro database names, e.g. hd_ob92oax, for the five VGB (Virtual Gauge Basin) sources.
  4. FFMP will automatically start working on creating new menu files for mrms, and it will create a new set of FFMP binaries for ARIs and underlying data with the new data structure syntax. This can take 30 minutes or so. In the rare event that this doesn't happen you would need to bounce ingestDat ("service edex_camel restart ingestDat") on dv3/dv4/dv5.
  5. Monitor edex-ingestDat log files on dv3/dv4/dv5 and watch for any errors in creating the FFMP binary files (templates, sources, and aggrGeom). There probably won't be any problems.
    1. e.g. "cd /awips2/edex/logs" and "vim edex-ingestDat-20160701.log" (or "tail -f edex-ingestDat-20160701.log")
  6. Download the ARI files. This used to be done from  http://flash.ou.edu/files/ari/ but that stopped being supported, and we will need to find someone who has these downloaded on AWIPS to share. Contact Michael.A.Magsig@noaa.gov for assistance if this comes up.

  7. Move ARI files onto AWIPS and unzip the files that contain the individual grids (e.g. unzip *.zip) .

  8. Rename files to contain WMO header "YEZZ88_KWBZ" in the filename and remove the grib2 extensions (e.g 6h_10yr.grib2 becomes YEZZ88_KWBZ.6h_10yr). The .grib2 extension needs to be removed so as not to match model grib ingest patterns. The following command is a nice shortcut: rename "" YEZZ88_KWBZ. *.grib2 ; rename .grib2 "" YEZ* 

  9. Copy the renamed ARI files into the /awips2/edex/data/manual directory on dv3,dv4, or dv5. 
  10. Monitor the ingestDat log file and ensure the data were processed.
    1. e.g. "cd /awips2/edex/logs" and "vim edex-ingestDat-20160701.log" (or "tail -f edex-ingestDat-20160701.log")
    2. If ingestDat doesn't see them, but ingestGrib does, then you may have a problem with your FFMP binary files, and NCF may need to assist you in moving the templates, sources, and aggrGeom binary files out of the way and bouncing ingestDat. It can take an hour to crunch through recreating the binary files (verbose output in log files).
  11. Adjust grid purge rules for the ARI grid data to ensure they don't eventually get purged
    1. change to the site-level override directory for purge rules:
      e.g. cd /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/OAX/purge (for OAX CWA)
    2. Open the gridPurgeRules.xml file with your editor of choice
    3. Add the following lines to the file.  This rule keeps 1 version of each of the ARI grib files regardless of its reference time. If an update is ever loaded, the older version will be purged. These lines are:
  12. Adjust FFMP purge. Check if you have any site overrides for ffmpPurgeRules.xml (most sites do NOT), and if you do have an override then you need to ensure you have a sourceName key for ever purgeRuleSet tag:
    1. Open any localization overrides for the ffmpPurgeRules.xml file (IF you have them) with your editor of choice. For example, for a site-level override for OAX:
      e.g. vim /awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/OAX/purge/ffmpPurgeRules.xml
    2. Ensure that a line containing  "<key>sourceName</key>" is present in the file for any purgeRuleSet tags. This line alone helps the purge process to avoid removing archive reference datasets like ARI which might be older than the purge rules allow (there is NO need to manually add an exception for ARI).  And, without this line, FFMP purging may not even function.  The base-level ffmpPurgeRules.xml should correctly contain this line but offices using site (or other) overrides may not have this line in their files.  Update all ffmpPurgeRules.xml overrides with the following syntax for the key definition: 

             ** ... Default or other purge rules go here ... **

More ARI Background: ARI data is static gridded data on a CONUS scale. When the data is ingested, it is stored in two separate locations: one in grid and another in FFMP. The data is clipped for a regional scale by default when it is stored as grid data. You can display these clipped grids by using the Product Browser from the CAVE menu (see jobsheet 1 on ARIs page), and this is particularly useful at visualizing ARI artifacts along regional boundaries and other hot spots. FFMP will create its own set of data to display using the FFMP basins map, which will be used to create basin-averaged ARIs to compare with other data in FFMP. So the FFMP ARI maps are smaller than the regional clipped grid because they only cover the area of the FFMP basins.

For questions about FFMP configuration contact Michael.A.Magsig@noaa.gov.