Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Thomas Hultquist, NOAA/NWS/AFS |
Conference Room A |
Development of Modeling Requirements for Global Forecast Systems Based on Users' Needs identified from User Feedback - Part II: Case Evaluation, Survey Analysis, and Draft Requirements |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Bethany Williams, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS Kasitsna Bay Laboratory |
Conference Room A |
Enhancing NOAA Cook Inlet Alaska ocean models for marine resource management applications |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Jing-Shan Hong, Central Weather Administration, Taipei, Taiwan |
Conference Room A |
Implementation of Probabilistic Impact-based Decision Support Services (IDSS) in the Central Weather Administration (CWA) |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Saeed Moghimi, NOAA/NOS/OCS |
Conference Room A |
Coastal flooding and inundation modeling and applications across time scales |
Not Available |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Conference Room A |
Global drought early warning system for food security: current status and Challenges |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Conference Room A |
Urban Heat Island (UHI) Forecasts over Selected Global Cities: An application case of GEFSv12 |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Kyle Lesinger, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Conference Room A |
Subseasonal assessment and integration of the Standardized Evaporative Stress Ratio to support real-time drought forecasts and monitoring |
Not Available |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Abheera Hazra, ESSIC/University of Maryland & NASA-GSFC |
Conference Room A |
A Sensitivity Study of the FLDAS-Forecast System for Food Insecurity Early Warning |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
John Hammond, USGS, Maryland-Delaware, D.C. Water Science Center (ECR) (Early Career) |
Conference Room A |
Developing Early Warning Forecasts of Hydrological Drought Onset, Duration, and Intensity Across the Conterminous United States Using Machine Learning Models |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Lujun Zhang, University of Oklahoma (Early Career) |
Conference Room A |
Application of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) precipitation forecasts for hydrologic Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) with Bias Correction and Spatial Disaggregation (BCSD) |
Requirements and needs for S2S Applications |
Chao Sun, ESSIC/University of Maryland, College Park |
Conference Room A |
Enhancing Seasonal Predictions in the U.S. Corn Belt Through Climate-Crop Feedback Using the Coupled CWRF-DSSAT System |
Not Available |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Jieshun Zhu, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Conference Room C |
Seasonal Arctic sea ice prediction with UFS at NOAA/CPC |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Cory Baggett, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Conference Room C |
Forecasting Major Pattern Changes at the Climate Prediction Center via the Regime Change Prognostic Tool |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
William Agyakwah, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC (Early Career) |
Conference Room C |
Global Circulation Models-Based Prediction of Rainfall Onset for Early Warning in the Sahel Region of West Africa |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Md Abul Ehsan Bhuiyan, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Conference Room C |
Bias Correction of Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Precipitation Forecasts using AI/ML |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Conference Room C |
Identify Potential to Improve Ensemble Sub-seasonal Precipitation and Temperature Forecasts with Deep Learning |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Michael Goss, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC (Early Career) |
Conference Room C |
Calibrating GEFS at medium range using short-lead MOS equations |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Tzu-Ting Lo, Central Weather Administration, Taiwan |
Conference Room C |
The evaluations of climate systems in East Asia using S2S forecast |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
James Ryan, Indiana University (Early Career) |
Conference Room C |
Sources of Subseasonal Predictability of Extreme Cold |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Wei Zhang, Utah State University |
Conference Room C |
Improving the CFSv2 Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts across the U.S. by Combining Weather Regimes and Gaussian Mixture Models |
Not Available |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Hui-Ling Chang, Central Weather Administration, Taipei, Taiwan |
Conference Room C |
Statistical Postprocessing of Week-1 and Week-2 Precipitation Forecasts Over Taiwan |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Lisi Pei, ERT, Inc & NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Conference Room C |
Improve Monthly Precipitation and Temperature Outlooks with Multiple-Linear Regression and Neural Network Predictions |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Sanghoon Shin, ESSIC/University of Maryland, College Park |
Conference Room C |
Improving U.S. Seasonal Climate Forecasts with CWRF Downscaling and Lateral Bias Correction |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Cheng Zheng, Stony Brook University (Early Career) |
Conference Room B |
Statistical Prediction of Wintertime Subseasonal CONUS Precipitation Based on ENSO and the MJO: Improvements by Training with Large Ensemble Climate Simulations |
Forecaster's priorities in improving S2S Applications |
Augustin Vintzileos, ESSIC/University of Maryland, College Park |
Conference Room B |
Using Decision Trees for Data-Driven Process Studies, Conditional Bias Correction, and Model Physics Improvements |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Diego Pons, University of Denver (Early Career) |
Hallway |
Caribbean Low-Level Jet as a Predictor for Precipitation in Belize and Guatemala |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Aditya Kumar Dubey, ESSIC/University of Maryland, College Park (Early Career) |
Hallway |
Seasonal Variations in Forecast Skill of NOAA CFSv2 Operational and CWRF downscaled Predictions over the CONUS |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Cristina Recalde, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC & UCAR (Early Career) |
Hallway |
Evaluation of the forecast skill of the North American Multi-Model Ensemble for monthly precipitation forecasts over Central America |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Daniel Wesloh, Lynker & NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC |
Hallway |
Empirical correction to McCormack parametrization to include ozone hole |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Yanyun Liu, Earth Resources Technology Inc & NOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Hallway |
ENSO prediction skill in Seasonal forecast models |
Systematic errors in North American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME) and other S2S modeling systems and experiences/insights in improving model performance |
Yanyun Liu, Earth Resources Technology Inc & NNOAA/NWS/NCEP/CPC |
Hallway |
Trends in seasonal forecast models |
Best practices in initializing seasonal forecast systems |
Hasibur Rahman, INCOIS/Ministry of Earth Sciences, India |
Hallway |
Impact of observed salinity assimilation in MOM5-GODAS |
Best practices in initializing seasonal forecast systems |
Pengfei Shi, PNNL (ECR) (Early Career) |
Hallway |
The 4DEnVar-based weakly coupled land and ocean data assimilation systems for E3SM |
Process-level diagnostics and evaluation metrics |
Jingxuan Cui, Colorado State University (Early Career) |
Conference Room B |
Diagnostics of Oceanic Kelvin Wave Responses to Westerly Wind Events in the equatorial Pacific in CMIP6 models |
Process-level diagnostics and evaluation metrics |
David Marsico, CIRES/University of Colorado Boulder & NOAA/OAR/PSL (Early Career) |
Conference Room B |
Dynamical Filtering of Tropical Subseasonal Variability in Observations and Forecast Models |
Process-level diagnostics and evaluation metrics |
Nachiketa Acharya, Lynker and NOAA/NWS/OWP |
Conference Room B |
Process-Oriented Dynamical Models Evaluation for Seasonal Prediction through the Lens of Causal Network |
Not Available |
GEFSv13, user requirements and towards development of GEFSv14 |
Milton Halem, University of Maryland, Baltimore County |
Conference Room B |
Advances in AI based Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting |