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Can I ask for a reassignment as a reasonable accommodation?
Yes. Reassignment is another form of reasonable accommodation that is provided to an employee who, because of a disability, can no longer perform the essential functions of his/her current position, with or without reasonable accommodation.

Do I have to be qualified for a new position?
An employee must be "qualified" for the new position. An employee is "qualified" for a position if s/he: (1) satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education, and other job-related requirements of the position, and (2) can perform the essential functions of the new position, with or without reasonable accommodation. The employee does not need to be the best qualified individual for the position in order to obtain it as a reassignment.

There is no obligation for the Department to assist the employee to become qualified. Thus, the Department does not have to provide training so that the employee acquires necessary skills to take a job.

Can I be reassigned to any position?
No. The position must be "Vacant" and is available when the employee asks for reasonable accommodation, or that the Department knows that it will become available within a reasonable amount of time. A "reasonable amount of time" should be determined on a case-by-case basis considering relevant facts, such as whether the employer, based on experience, can anticipate that an appropriate position will become vacant within a short period of time. A position is considered vacant even if an employer has posted a notice or announcement seeking applications for that position. The employer does not have to bump an employee from a job in order to create a vacancy; nor does it have to create a new position.

The Department is not required to give an employee a promotion through a reasonable accommodation reassignment. Thus, an employee must compete for any vacant position that would constitute a promotion.