What is C.Request?
C.Request is the module of ComprizonSuite for creating and submitting requisitions to acquisition offices.
How is access obtained?
Please use the applicable form located at http://www.corporateservices.noaa.gov/finance/forms.html
How are previously submitted documents located in C.Request?
There are two ways to find previously submitted documents, either by utilizing the search feature found on the Home Screen>Worksheet tab or the Procurement Search Option.
For Simplified Acquisitions under $150,000, what should be entered in the FAAPS field?
The FAAPS field is now mandatory. For Simplified Acquisitions (acquisitions less than $150,000), it is permissible to use 5 zeros as the FAAPS number.
Where is the Treasury Account Symbol (TAS code) entered?
The Treasury Account Symbol fields are located on the Funding tab of the Administration Screen.
What is entered in the COR field on the Administration Tab within the Requisition Administration screen if unsure of the COR?
On the Administration Tab on the Requisition Administration screen, the COR field is now mandatory. Enter "NCR" if a Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) is not required or recommended. Be sure to use all upper case text and to click the Refresh Icon once you have entered your text.
If entering a code in the Recommended COR field, is it mandatory to input the name, email and phone number fields?
The name, email and phone number fields are mandatory. Use the refresh icon to automatically populate these fields after entering the COR. Please note the Recommended COR should be entered using all upper case text.
Will the POC and the COR be the same?
Not always. The POC defaults to the name of the individual who created the requisition, unless it is manually changed. The COR is appointed by the CO and may or may not be the POC.
If a requisition is returned for corrections, is it still necessary to copy the document to get a new requisition number?
No, if the requisition change doesn't impact funding, values, or ACCS strings, then it is considered an administrative change and there is no need to copy. 
Can the requisitioner also be listed as the COR on the same requisition?
Can a group mailbox user ID be used in the Recommended COR field?
No, group mailbox user IDs should not be used in the Recommended COR field. Only Individual User IDs should be used.
What is a Receiving Office Code?
The receiving office address code is the destination where the goods are officially received and inspected. Not necessarily the physical delivery address.
What should be entered in the receiving office field if the code is unknown?
It is suggested to use the prefix of the requisition number in the receiving office number field.
What should be entered into the Receiving Office Number field if the ultimate destination is not available in the system?
If the address is not available, please send a request via the Address Submission Form to add the address to the system. All types of addresses can be added via this method.
How can multiple destinations be designated when procuring multiple quantities of the same item?
For each location, a separate line item would be created specifying the shipping location on the Administration Tab, Receiving Office Number field. When printing the Award, be sure to check the check box for Line Item Print Options - Delivery Address on the Forms screen.
Does the commit process put any hold or obligation on the funds?
No, the funds are not held or obligated in C.Request. DOC does not have commitment accounting at this time. The funds are obligated in the Core Financial System when C.Award returns with an accepted/approved obligation.
What options exist if a requisition was submitted to the wrong person or group mailbox?
Three options exist to rectify this situation, they are as follows:
  1. Contact the Supervisor to have them transfer the documents to the desired location
  2. Use the C.Suite Work Transfer Form to have the document transferred to the desired location.
  3. Have the current assignee return it to the requisitioner for re-submission.
What is a PR?
A PR is a Purchase Request. A requisition becomes a PR when it is successfully submitted to C.Award.
In C.Request, when creating a "No Cost" modification on an award that was originally over $150,000, do I use the same FAAPs# from the original award?
Is a new requisition/purchase request required for every modification?
Yes, with exception - If a PR has been only partially awarded, it can be utilized for additional actions modification.
When creating a modification, can multiple accounting codes be used on a single line item?
Yes, multiple accounting codes can be used on a single line item. Please note that the total quantity on the accounting codes must equal the total quantity on the line item.
When creating a no cost modification what Modification Line Item option should be selected?
In the Modification LI Action Field, there are 4 options listed, with an additional option to leave the field blank. The field should be left blank when making administrative changes. A no cost modification (like extending a period of performance) is considered an administrative change and, therefore, the Modification LI field should be left blank.
Can old requisitions be copied?
Yes, but it is advised to verify all fields within the new requisition prior to submission.
Can requisitions created prior to the C.Suite upgrade be copied?
Yes, but some fields have changed/been added/become mandatory and may have to be re-populated with the correct information.
When a requisition is returned, must a new requisition be created or can the original be modified?
If the requisition change doesn't impact funding or values or ACCS strings, then it is considered an administrative change and there is no need to copy. If there are any ACCS values being changed, new line items, changes in costs or quantities, or UNSPSC (and P/FSC) changes on the line item, then the requisition must be considered unsafe to resubmit. In those cases it’s suggested to either copy the base requisition to a new number, or to create an entirely new requisition.
If I copy a Requisition that was returned to me from C.Award, do I have to cancel the Original Requisition?
Cancelling the returned Requisition allows for it be referenced as needed; however, as a copy was made, it would also be acceptable to cancel the commit and delete the returned requisition.
Can a requisition that has been cancelled be copied?
Yes, an existing cancelled requisition can be copied to create a new requisition.
When exercising option years on a contract should the option period dates be entered on the line item of the Requisition to indicate the Period of Performance to be exercised?
No, the option period dates should be left blank on the requisition because the funds on the line item need to show a commitment in finance. When the dates are entered the financial system does not post a record of the Requisition or the funds on the line items and treats it as a $0.00 commitment. This will result in a rejection on the award when the CO hits the obligate button indicating the Requisition is invalid.
How can negative values be sent to modify an existing award?
C.Request does not accept negative dollar requisitions. To de-obligate funds from an award, create a 0$ requisition without any accounting information (ACCS) on the line items. In the description block of the line item, include the dollar amount to be de-obligated, the full accounting string (ACCS), the line item where the funds currently reside, and any change in quantity.