2022 - Albany CSTAR
Asset Publisher
Day 1: Wednesday November 13 2024
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM: Conference Check-in
Coffee & Refreshments sold by the University at Albany Capital Region AMS Chapter
8:30 AM - 8:35 AM: Opening Remarks
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Christopher Gitro, Meteorologist-in-Charge, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
8:35 AM - 8:45 AM: Student Map Discussion
Alex Kramer, Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
Session A: Celebrating CSTAR (Collaborative Science, Technology, and Applied
Research) and the 25-Year Partnership Between the NWS and Academia
(8:45 AM - 10:40 AM)
8:45 AM - 8:55 AM: *25 Years of CSTAR - Operations and Research Collaborations*
Jeff Waldstreicher
NOAA/NWS Scientific Services Division, Eastern Region Headquarters, Bohemia, NY
8:55 AM - 9:05 AM: *CSTAR at UAlbany: How Gene Auciello and Daniel Keyser*
*Conspired to Create this Collaborative UAlbany-NWS Research Program that is*
*Overseen by Professor Kristen Corbosiero*
Lance Bosart
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
9:05 AM - 9:20 AM: *The UAlbany–NWS CSTAR Partnership 2014–2024: High-impact*
Kristen Corbosiero
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
Day 1: Wednesday November 13 2024
9:20 AM - 9:35 AM: *Stony Brook CSTAR Efforts: From Ensemble Tools to*
Brian Colle
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York
9:35 AM - 9:55 AM: *The UAlbany-NWS CSTAR Collaborative Partnership 2001-2024*
Thomas A. Wasula, Neil A. Stuart, and Michael S. Evans
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
STM Weather Cropseyville, New York
Perspective from Past CSTAR Graduate Students (9:55 AM - 10:30 AM)
In-Person (9:55 AM - 10:15 AM)
Alicia Wasula, Ph. D, CCM
STM Weather
COMET Student (Master’s 1998-2001,
Ph.D 2001-2005)
Daniel Thompson
NOAA/NWS/WFO Marquette, MI
CSTAR Student (2010–2012)
Matt Vaughan
16th Weather Squadron, U.S. Air Force
CSTAR Student (2013-2015)
Brian Filipiak
Department of Civil and Environmental
University of Connecticut
CSTAR Student (2020-2022)
Virtual Attendees (10:15 AM - 10:30 AM)
Tomer Burg
CSTAR Student (2016-2019)
Heather Archambault
CSTAR Student (2002–2005)
Dr. David Novak
NOAA/NWS Weather Prediction Center
CSTAR Student (2000-2002)
Q & A for Session A (10:30 AM - 10:40 AM)
All presenters plus Dr. Daniel Keyser (Department of Environmental and Atmospheric Science, University at Albany, State University of New York) and Warren Snyder
(Retired ALY SOO - virtual)
1: Wednesday November 13, 2024
☕10:40 AM - 10:55 AM: Break☕
Coffee and Refreshments sold by the UAlbany Capital Region AMS Chapter
Session B: NROW XXIV Keynote Presentation (10:55 AM - 11:45 AM)
Mic Runner: Christina Speciale
Introduction: Christopher Gitro
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
*National Weather Service Transformation Update*
*Keynote Speaker: *Ken Harding
Chief Operating Officer
NOAA/NWS Headquarters, Silver Spring, Maryland
Q & A for Keynote Speaker (11:35 AM - 11:45 AM)
Session C: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM: The National Weather Association (NWA)
Research to Operations Nexus (RON) at NROW
All In-Person NROW XXV Attendees Welcome to Participate Pre-Function Space Outside Shared Training Room 149/151
//Group 1: Academia & National Weather Service Partnership//
Subject Matter Experts: Dr. Lance Bosart1, Dr. Kristen Corbosiero1, Dr. Daniel
Keyser1, Gene Auciello
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York1
Retired NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York2
Note Taker: Thomas A. Wasula NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Group 2: Weather and Decision Making//
Subject Matter Experts: Jonathan Pease1, Peter Cichetti2, Melissa Nussbaum2,
Madison McGuire2
National Grid1, NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services2
Note Taker: Peter Speck, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Group 3: AI/Machine Learning//
Subject Matter Experts: Dr. Christopher Thorncroft
Atmospheric Sciences Research Center
University at Albany, State Univeristy of New York
Note Taker: Timothy Humphrey, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Group 4: Reaching Underserved & Vulnerable Communities//
Subject Matter Experts: Leticia Williams, Jarrod Loerzel
NOAA/NWS Office of Science, Technology, and Integration
Social, Behavioral, Economic Science
Note Taker: Abigayle Gant, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Session D: Winter Weather I (2:30 PM - 3:50 PM)
2:30 PM - 2:45 PM: *The Evolution of Snow Squall Science and Forecasting*
Greg DeVoir
NOAA/NWS/WFO State College, Pennsylvania
Wednesday November 13, 2024
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM: *Decades of Snow Squall Research Leads to Successful*
Michael Lee and Cameron Wunderlin (Virtual) NOAA/NWS/WFO Mount Holly, New Jersey
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM: *Applications of Winter Mesoanalysis: Lessons Learned From*
*The February 16-17, 2024 Winter Storm*
Paul Fitzsimmons (Virtual)
NOAA/NWS/WFO Mount Holly, New Jersey
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM: *Evolving The Weather Prediction Center's Winter Weather Desk*
NOAA/NWS Weather Prediction Center, College Park, Maryland
3:30 PM - 3:45PM: *Snow-to-Liquid Ratio Prediction Over the Northeast United*
*States Using Machine Learning*
Michael Pletcher (Virtual)
University of Utah
Q & A for Session D (3:45 PM - 3:50 PM)
☕3:50 PM - 4:05 PM: Break Session☕
Coffee and Refreshments sold by the UAlbany Capital Region AMS Chapter
Session E: Severe Weather, Heat, and Fire Weather (4:05 PM - 5:25 PM)
4:05 PM - 4:20 PM: *The 16 July 2024 Significant Severe and Tornadic Event across*
*New York and New England Part I: Synoptic and Mesoscale Overview*
Thomas A. Wasula
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
4:20 PM - 4:35 PM: *The 16 July 2024 Significant Severe and Tornadic Event across*
*New York and New England Part II: Radar Analysis, Warnings, and IDSS*
Thomas A. Wasula
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Day 1: Wednesday November 13 2024
4:35 PM - 4:50 PM: *A Probabilistic Look at Forecasting the June 2024 Northeast*
Todd Foisy
NOAA/NWS/WFO Caribou, Maine
4:50 PM - 5:05 PM: *Fire Weather in New York and New England*
Robert Fovell
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
5:05 PM - 5:20 PM: *New York State Mesonet-Based Fire Danger Rating System*
DJ McGuinnes
New York State Mesonet
Q & A for Session E (5:20 PM - 5:25 PM)
5:25 PM - 5:30 PM: Closing Remarks/Adjourn
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Meeting Adjourned
Thursday November 14 2024
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM: Conference Check-in.
Coffee and Refreshments sold by the UAlbany Capital Region AMS Chapter
8:30 AM - 8:35 AM: Opening Remarks
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Session F: Flooding & Improved Hydrologic Forecasting Tools/Services (8:35 AM 10:10 AM)
8:35 AM - 8:50 AM: *The Influence of Atmospheric Rivers on the Northeast United*
Evan Belkin
NOAA/NWS Northeast River Forecast Center
University at Albany, State University of New York
8:50 AM - 9:05 AM: *Factors Contributing to Catastrophic Flash Flooding in*
*Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom on 30 July 2024*
Peter Banacos
NOAA/NWS/WFO Burlington, Vermont
9:05 AM - 9:20 AM: *Heavy Precipitation Object Tracking and Forecast Tools*
Matthew Green
NOAA/NWS Weather Prediction Center & Cooperative Institute for Research in
Environmental Science
9:20 AM - 9:35 AM: *Flood Inundation Mapping (FIM) & National Water Prediction*
*Service (NWPS): Training & Outreach*
Greg DeVoir
NOAA/NWS/WFO State College, Pennsylvania
Alicia Miller (Virtual)
NOAA/NWS/WFO Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
9:50 AM - 10:05 AM: *A Summary National Precipitation Forecast Skill and the*
*National Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations Expansion Pathfinder Effort*
Jason Cordeira
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes
University of California, San Diego
Q & A for Session F (10:05 AM - 10:10 AM)
☕10:10 AM - 10:25 AM: Break & Poster Session☕
Coffee and Refreshments sold by the UAlbany Capital Region AMS Chapter
Session G: Decision Support Services & Improving Communication/Messaging
(10:25 AM - 12:00 PM)
10:25 AM - 10:40 AM: *Impact-Based Decision Support Services by NWS*
*Baltimore/Washington Following the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in*
Kevin Rodriguez (Virtual)
NOAA/NWS/WFO Sterling, Virginia
10:40 AM - 10:55 AM: *Improving Operational Decision-Making with Insights from*
Peter Cichetti
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
10:55 AM - 11:10 AM: *Clear Communication, Safer Communities: Refining Heat*
Micki Olson and Bruce Pollock
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity
University at Albany, State University of New York
11:10 AM - 11:25 AM: *Challenges Communicating Severe Weather Risk in Spanish*
Jase Bernhardt
Hofstra University
11:25 AM - 11:40 AM: *Snowed Under by Jargon: Erie County Residents' Views on*
Savannah Olivas
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security, and Cybersecurity
University at Albany, State University of New York
11:40 AM - 11:55 AM: *Riding Through a Floodscape: Studying the Intersection of*
*Buses and Rainfall in Queens*
Nicholas Lucchetto Hofstra University
Q & A for Session G (11:55 AM - 12:00 PM)
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM: Lunch Break
See AreaRestaurantDocuments for Lunch Recommendations
Session I: New York Mesonet Applications I (1:15 PM - 2:50 PM)
1:15 PM - 1:30 PM: *Characterizing the Impacts of 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Using*
June Wang
New York State Mesonet
1:30 PM - 1:45 PM: *Creating Convolutional Neural Networks to Monitor New York*
*State Mesonet Daytime Precipitation from Camera Images*
Brian Horan
Atmospheric Science Research Center
University at Albany, State University of New York
1:45 PM - 2:00 PM: *Surface Energy Balance Across the 18-site New York State*
Anna Glodzik
Atmospheric Science Research Center
University at Albany, State University of New York
Anna Duhon and Anton Seimon Bard College
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM: *Exploring Autumnal Heatwaves in Buffalo, NY using NYS*
Hannah Attard
Daemen University
Junkyung Kay
NSF NCAR/Earth Observing Laboratory
Q & A for Session I (2:45 PM - 2:50 PM)
☕2:50 PM - 3:05 PM: Break & Poster Session☕
Coffee and Refreshments sold by the UAlbany Capital Region AMS Chapter
Session J: Winter Weather II (3:05 PM - 4:40 PM)
3:05 PM - 3:20 PM: *Leaning Into Partnerships for Future Snow Squall Innovations*
Greg DeVoir
NOAA/NWS/WFO State College, Pennsylvania
Stony Brook University
3:35 PM - 3:50 PM: *The 22-23 March 2024 Snow and Ice Storm across the NWS*
Lee Picard
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
3:50 PM - 4:05 PM: *National Grid – Planning Preparation, and Response to Icing*
Jonathan Pease National Grid
4:05 PM - 4:20 PM: *Evaluating Tools for Diagnosis and Nowcasting Precipitation*
*Type and Freezing Rain: Results from the 3–4 February 2022 Winter Storm in the*
Justin Minder
University at Albany, State University of New York
Northeast Regional Operations Workshop (NROW) XXV
Conference Agenda
Day 2: Thursday November 14, 2024
4:20 PM - 4:35 PM: *Climatology of Precipitation Features within the Cyclone*
*Comma Head and Some Comparisons with WRF*
Phillip Yeh
Stony Brook University
Q & A for Session J (4:35 PM - 4:40 PM)
4:40 PM - 4:45 PM: Closing Remarks/Adjourn
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
7:00 AM - 7:45 AM: Conference Check-in (Report to ETEC Basement Room B010)
7:45 AM - 7:50 AM: Opening Remarks
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair, NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Session K: NYS Mesonet Applications II (7:50 AM - 9:10 PM)
7:50 AM - 8:05 AM: *Evaluation of WRF precipitation simulations for Storm Ida Over*
Jorge Bravo
Stevens Institute of Technology
8:05 AM - 8:20 AM: *Improving the Quality of the NYS Mesonet Microwave*
*Radiometer Data with a Novel Bias Correction Scheme*
Chau-Lam (Chris) Yu
New York State Mesonet
8:20 AM - 8:35 AM: *The Southern Ontario Lidar (SOLID) Mesonet: Impacts on*
*Aviation and Severe Weather Nowcasting*
Zen Mariani (Virtual)
Environment and Climate Change Canada
8:35 AM - 8:50 AM: *Combining Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors with the New York*
*State Mesonet for Fine-Scale Monitoring in New York City*
Ellie Hojeily
Atmospheric Science Research Center
University at Albany, State University of New York
8:50 AM - 9:05 AM: *Improving Mesoscale Model Forecasts for Daily Weather*
Madhusmita Swain
University at Albany, State University of New York
Q & A for Session K (9:05 AM - 9:10 AM)
☕9:10 AM - 9:20 AM: Break ☕
Session L: Artificial Intelligence and Social Science (9:20 AM - 10:25 AM)
9:20 AM - 9:35 AM:*Innovative Geospatial Tools and Technologies To Empower*
Jarrod Loerzel
NOAA/NWS Office of Science, Technology, and Integration
Social, Behavioral, Economic Science
9:35 AM - 9:50 AM:*Language Program in the NWS: How It Started and Where It Is*
Krizia Negron (Virtual)
NOAA/NWS Office of Science, Technology, and Integration
Social, Behavioral, Economic Science
9:50 AM - 10:05 AM: *Weather in More Languages: The NWS Translation Project at*
Faye Morrone
NOAA/NWS/WFO New York, New York
10:05 AM - 10:20 AM: *The Potential to Improve Efficiency in Operational*
*Meteorology With Generative AI*
David Radell
NOAA/NWS/WFO New York, New York
Q & A for Session L (10:20 AM - 10:25 AM)
☕10:25 AM - 10:35 AM: Break Session☕
Session M: Severe/Tropical Weather & Hydrology (10:35 AM - 11:55 AM)
10:35 AM - 10:50 AM: *Understanding Frequent Lightning Environments over the*
*NWS Albany, NY County Warning Area*
Amari Woods and John Farash
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
Lance Bosart
Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
University at Albany, State University of New York
11:05 AM - 11:20 AM: *An Evaluation of Precipitation Estimates Associated with Ida*
*in the Northern Mid-Atlantic for a Forensic Case*
Michael Evans STM Weather
11:20 AM - 11:35 AM: The Destructive Flooding Events of August 18-19th, 2024
Matthew Wunsch
NOAA/NWS/WFO New York, New York
11:35 AM - 11:50 AM: *Model Review of the Historic Flash Flood Events of August*
David Stark
NOAA/NWS/WFO New York, New York
Q & A for Session M (11:50 AM - 11:55 AM)
11:55 AM - 12:00 PM: Closing Remarks/Adjourn
Christina Speciale, NROW Chair
NOAA/NWS/WFO Albany, New York
Meeting Adjourned
NROW XXVI - November 2025