Fire Weather Research MOU

The Fire Weather Research Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NOAA and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) partnerships is established to provide a framework for implementing and expanding existing research to focus on weather and climate and their effect on fire potential, fire behavior, fire danger, and fire smoke products that support improved fire management and firefighting decisions.

The presentation file on the right gives an overview of the document, highlighting the mutual interest to improve public services for saving lives and protecting property and environment.  Following is an outline.

•  Weather Disasters Related to Wildfires: Billion Dollar Hits for Four Decades!

•  Motivation Documents for USFS NOAA MOU

•  Mandates for USFS and NOAA

•  Purpose of MOU

•  Scope of MOU

•  Milestone of Focus Areas:

o  Climate Change/Variability

o  Observations

o  Forecast Models

o  Intelligent Aids

o  Weather Info for DSS

o  Validation & Verification

•  Opportunities to Meet Milestones