Fire Weather R2O program incorporates the analysis of new science and technology that could enhance Incident Meteorologist (IMET) support to incident commanders for wildland fires and prescribed fires. this analysis involves collaboration with IMET operations managed by AFS and the NWS WFOs involved with fire weather support, as well as land management agencies such as U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), NPS et al. It also involves close ties with academia (San Jose State University, the University of Maryland, the University of Oklahoma) and many state and private groups. The USFS NOAA Fire Weather Research MOU provides a guideline for where resources should be focused for the next five years.
Recent budget increases under a supplemental have brought recent hope for the funding of many observing systems (including upper air), modeling infrastructure under collaboration between OAR and NWS, and a new fire weather testbed. The FOReST group, inclusive of OAR, NESDIS and NWS SES leaders and staff scientists, is meeting to determine how funding should be split up. Dr. Peter Roohr has hosted USFS NOAA Fire Weather Research MOU WG meetings, most recently in early October 2024. There will be another online meeting in Jan 2025 and in person (TBD, Boise ID) in early March 2025. NOAA and USFS scientists have presented on use of satellite data, new fire behavior models, and examination of fire weather across the Plains.