The Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) was created in 1989 within University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) with three divisions of Residence Learning, Distance Learning and Outreach. Its mission is to develop a modernized education and training program designed to help the nation’s weather services more fully exploit information gained from new technologies (e.g. ASOS, NEXRAD, etc. in 1990s; UAS, GOES 16/17, etc. in 2019) and promote rapid integration of new theories and research results (R2O). 

The presentation file on the right gives an overview of the NWS COMET Program.  Following is an outline.

o COMET outreach
• Objectives
• Two major programs
• Projects
o Collaboration subjects
o Submission/Approval process


Partners Projects



UCAR Community Program COMET