2016 NGGPS Meetings and Presentations - OSTI Modeling
2016 NGGPS Meetings and Presentations
August 4 - 5, 2016
NCWCP Conference Rooms
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
NGGPS program priorities, goals, and progress will be presented in an interactive forum for discussion and participant feedback. During the meeting, implementation team leads/co-leads will present a status update of their team efforts towards a unified global coupled system along with a summary of current work and projected long-term plans. Participant feedback during the meeting will be used in shaping NGGPS priorities and plans going forward.
Thursday, August 4, 2016
Conference Rooms
9:00 am | Welcome - Fred Toepfer/Tim Schneider/Mike Ek |
9:10 am | NGGPS Overview (PDF) - Ivanka Stajner/Fred Toepfer/Tim Schneider |
9:40 am | NOAA's response to UMAC recommendations (.pdf) - Tim Schneider/Vijay Tallapragada |
10:00 am | EMC Path Forward (PDF) - Vijay Tallapragada |
10:45 am | Break |
11:00 am | Atmospheric Prediction Dynamics (PDF) - Jeff Whitaker/Vijay Tallapragada |
12:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm | Nesting (PDF) - Vijay Tallapragada |
1:20 pm | Atmospheric Prediction Physics (PDF) - Ligia Bernardet/Bill Kou |
2:20 pm | Global Modeling Test Bed (PDF) - Ligia Bernardet/Bill Kou |
2:50 pm | Aerosols and Atmospheric Composition (.PPTX) - Ivanka Stajner/Yu-Tai Hou |
3:20 pm | Break |
3:35 pm | Atmospheric Data Assimilation (PDF) - John Berber/Tom Auligne |
4:45 pm | Adjourn |
Agenda Day 2, 8:00 am - 1:00 pm EDT
Friday, August 5, 2016
Conference Rooms
8:00 am | Welcome/Recap - Tim Schneider/Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner |
8:10 am | Overarching System/NEMS (PDF) - Cecilia DeLuca/Mark Iredell |
8:40 am | Post-Processing (PDF) - Matthew Peroutka/Yuejian Zhu |
9:10 am | Ensemble Development (PDF) - Yuejian Zhu/Tom Hamill |
9:40 am | Verification and Validation (.pdf) - Ivanka Stajner/Glenn White |
10:00 am | Break |
10:25 am | Land Prediction (.pdf) - Helin Wei |
10:55 am | NGGPS Testbed Implementation Team (.pdf) - Paula Davidson/Mike Ek |
11:25 am | Marine Prediction (incl. ocean, wave, and sea ice) (.pdf) - Arun Chawla |
11:55 am | Pick up lunch - Discussion World's Best Weather Prediction: A community discussion (.pdf) Plans for 2017 and beyond (.pdf) - Tim Schneider |
1:00 pm | Adjourn |
August 2-3, 2016
NCWCP Conference Rooms
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
FFO PI Meeting Objectives
Principal investigators/co-investigators funded through the NWS STI 2015 federally funded opportunity, will present an overview, results, and direction of their current work to accelerate critical research for the advancement of a unified coupled global system developed through the NGGPS program. The NGGPS Implementation Team Leads, and EMC scientists will provide collaborative feedback to the investigators.
Agenda Day 1 - NGGPS FFO PI 8:00 am - 4:15 pm EDT
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Conference Rooms
8:00am | Welcome - Christopher Hedge (STI) and EMC representative |
8:10am | NGGPS Overview (.pdf) - Ivanka Stajner/Fred Toepfer/Tim Schneider (STI) |
Nesting/Convective Systems | |
8:30am | Team Lead: Vijay Tallapragada (EMC) |
8:35am | Advancing Storm-Scale Forecasts over Nested Domains for High-Impact Weather (.pdf) - Eli Dennis and Michael Colbert for David Stensrud (Pennsylvania State University) |
Marine | |
9:05am | Team Lead: Arun Chawla/Avichal Mehra (EMC) |
9:10am | An Operational Hybrid 3DVar/EnKF Ocean Assimilation System-NCEP (.pdf) - Steve Penny (University of Maryland) |
Physics | |
9:40am | Team Leads: Jim Doyle (Navy)/Bill Kuo (UCAR)/Shrinivas Moorthi (EMC) |
9:45am | Integrating Unified Gravity Wave Physics into the Next Generation Global Prediction System (.pdf) - Valery Yudin for Timothy Fuller-Rowell (University of Colorado) |
10:15am | Break |
10:30am | Developing Physics-oriented Diagnostic Tools for Model Evaluation and Improvement (.pdf) - Zhuo Wang (University of Illinois) |
Ensemble Development | |
11:00am | Team Leads: Tom Hamill (ESRL)/Yuejian Zhu (EMC) |
11:05am | Calibration and Evaluation of GEFS Ensemble Forecasts at Weeks 2-4 (.pdf) - Ping Liu (SUNY - Stony Brook) |
11:35am | Development and testing of a multi-model ensemble prediction system for sub-monthly forecasts (.pdf) - Andrew Robertson (Columbia University) |
12:05pm | Lunch |
1:00pm | Accelerating Development of NOAA's Next-Generation Global couple System for Week-3 and Week-4 Weather Prediction (.pdf) - James Kinter (George Mason University) |
Atmospheric Data Assimilation | |
1:30pm | Team Lead: John Derber (EMC)/Tom Auligne (JCSDA) |
1:35pm | Development of Advanced Data Assimilation Techniques for Improved use of Satellite-Derived Atmospheric Motion Vectors (pdf) - James Jung (University of Wisconsin) |
2:05pm | Improving Global and Hurricane Prediction by Using Minimum-Cost Large Ensemble in GFS 4DEnVar Hybrid Data Assimilation System (pdf) - Xuguang Wang (University of Oklahoma) |
2:35pm | Improved tropical cyclone initialization for NCEP operations through direct assimilation of storm information (pdf) - Daryl Kleist (University of Maryland) |
3:05pm | Break |
3:20pm | HIWPP Final Wrap up (.pdf) - Bonny Strong (ESRL) |
3:50pm | Recap - Christopher Hedge |
4:15pm | Adjourn/Unofficial Dinner |
Agenda Day 2 -NGGPS FFO PI - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Conference Rooms
February 9-10, 2016
NCWCP Conference Rooms
5830 University Research Court
College Park, MD 20740
- Provide a status update of High Impact Weather Prediction Project (HIWPP) projects, products completed, and lessons learned.
- Provide a status update of the R2O Initiative for the development of a Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS). The NGGPS implementation teams will present a review of their efforts including a summary status of current work and near- and long-term plans.
Agenda Day 1, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Conference Rooms
8:00 am | Welcome - R2O/NGGPS Initiative (.pdf) (Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner) |
8:10 am | Welcome - HIWPP (Tim Schneider/Bonny Strong) |
8:20 am | NCEP/EMC Welcome (EMC) |
HIWPP Science reports Presentation of research results, papers planned, products completed, remaining tasks, and next steps |
8:30 am | Hydrostatic models – deterministic and ensembles (.pdf) - (Stan Benjamin, Isidora Jankov) |
8:50 am | Parameterization Development: Unified Representation of Turbulence and Clouds (.pdf) - (Shrinivas Moorthi) |
9:05 am | Physics Parameterizations: Scale and Aerosol Aware Stochastic Convective Parameterization (.pdf) - (Georg Grell) |
9:20 am | Assimilation/Ensembles/Stochastic Physics (.pdf) - (Jeff Whitaker) |
9:40 am | Break |
10:00 am | Massively Parallel Fine Grain (MPFG)/GPU Optimization (.pdf) - (Mark Govett) |
10:20 am | Moving Hurricane Nest (.pdf) - (S. Gopalakrishnan, Vijay Tallapragada) |
10:45 am | NMME Expansion (.pdf) - (Jin Huang) |
11:05 am | Test Program and NEIS (.pdf) - (Bonny Strong/Jebb Stewart) |
11:30 am | HIWPP Project management issues (.pdf) - (Tim Schneider, Bonny Strong) Final reports, any identified resource issues, etc. |
12:00 pm | Lunch |
1:00 pm | HIWPP Project Lessons Learned discussion (.pdf) - (Tim Schneider, Bonny Strong) |
2:45 pm | HIWPP Wrap-up (.pdf) - (Tim Schneider) |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:15 pm | Atmospheric Prediction - Dynamics NGGPS Team Briefing (.pdf) - (Jeff Whitaker/Vijay Tallapragada) |
4:15 pm | Nesting/Convective Systems (.pdf) - (Vijay Tallapragada) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |
Agenda Day 2, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EDT
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Conference Rooms
8:00 am | Welcome/Recap (Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner |
8:10 am | Overview/Status of NGGPS Implementation (.pdf) - (Ivanka Stajner) |
8:30 am | Overarching System – NEMS (.pdf) - (Cecilia DeLuca/Mark Iredell) |
9:00 am | Software Architecture and Engineering (including NEMS) (.pdf) - (Hendrik Tolman) |
9:30 am | Coupled System Development (.pdf) - (Suranjana Saha) |
10:00 am | Break |
10:15 am | Atmospheric Prediction - Physics (.pdf) - (Jim Doyle/Shrinivas Moorthi) |
11:15 am | Aerosols and Atmospheric Composition (.pdf) - (Ivanka Stajner/Yu-Tai Hou) |
11:45 am | Atmospheric Data Assimilation (.pdf) - (John Derber) |
12:15 pm | Lunch |
1:15 pm | Ocean Prediction (incl. wave and sea ice) (.pdf) - (Avichal Mehra) |
2:00 pm | Land Prediction (.pdf) - (Mike Ek) |
2:30 pm | Post-Processing/Ensemble Development (.pdf) - (Tom Hamill/Yuejian Zhu) |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:15 pm | Test Beds (.pdf) - (Paula Davidson/Suru Saha) |
3:45 pm | Verification and Validation - (Ivanka Stajner/Glenn White) |
4:15 pm | Global Modeling Test Bed (.pdf) - (Ligia Bernardet) |
4:45 pm | Wrap-up and next steps/Future Priorities - (Fred Toepfer/Ivanka Stajner) |
5:00 pm | Adjourn |