Hurricane Forecast Improvement Program


HFIP Annual Meeting 2022

Meeting Objectives

The primary objective of this meeting was to discuss the key HFIP strategies as enlisted in the HFIP document including advancing the next-generation Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) for operations and developing plans beyond its initial operational capacity with eventual goals of reliable and skillful guidance on TC track and intensity (including rapid intensification), storm size, genesis, storm surge, rainfall and tornadoes associated with TCs and Socio-Economic impacts. The current state of operational hurricane capabilities and challenges as well as the results and accomplishments from the 2022 hurricane season will also be discussed, allowing the development of future plans to further improve hurricane forecast guidance in the upcoming years. Additionally, HFIP is entering the next phase of the 2019-2024 strategic plan to improve the forecast and communication of surges from TCs; and incorporate risk communication research to create more effective watch & warning, and probabilistic risk products with a focus on vulnerable communities and industries through the use of social, behavioral, and economic sciences.


Day 1 | Morning:

Day 1 | Afternoon:

Day 2 | Morning:

Day 2 | Afternoon:

Day 3 | Morning:

Day 3 | Afternoon: