AGU Town Hall 2023 - OSTI Modeling
Status and Plan in Developing and Implementing Medium-Range Weather, Subseasonal and Seasonal (S2S) Forecast Systems Based on the Unified Forecast System at NOAA
Warm Shade: Surface Temp, Contour: MSLP, Cool Shade: Convective Cloud Cover, Arrows: 10m Wind
At this town hall, a panel of speakers will discuss recent progress and plans on all aspects of the three UFS Applications towards enhancing subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) forecasts, including prototype developments, physics improvements, coupled data assimilation, reanalysis & reforecasts, diagnostics/evaluations, and product developments/verification. We seek community feedback on all aspects of the UFS MRW and S2S Applications and welcome opportunities for collaboration and suggestions on improvements for both research and operations.
Date: Friday, 15 December 2023
Time: 1:00pm PT
Location: 2018 - West (Level 2, West, Moscone Center)
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