FY20 NGGPS Competition: Awardees

Research proposals to advance the Next Generation Global Prediction System (NGGPS) with the FV3 dynamical core will focus on accelerating coupled model development to improve forecast accuracy. This includes coupling among the weather prediction model components (atmosphere, ocean, land surface and ice system), advancing data assimilation and ensemble techniques, and developing post-processing forecast tools and improving deterministic forecast skill by improving computational efficiency (see details in NOAA-NWS-NWSPO-2020-2006290).

For the NGGPS competition, 3 proposals were awarded with individual award amounts ranging from $100,000 to $250,000 per year for up to two years. Project start date is September 1, 2020. Details of the projects are summarized in the table below.

Project Title PI/co-PIs Affiliation
Development of High-Resolution for MOM6 for NGGPS Eric Chassignet
Alan Wallcraft
Alexandra Bozec
Florida State University
Applications of METplus to Subseasonal climate Outlooks, Multi-Model Ensembles, Process Studies, and Extremes Tara Jensen NCAR
Jason Levit NOAA/NWS/EMC
Joseph Sienciewicz NOAA/NWS/OPC
Coalescence Precipitation Forecasts to Improve the National Blend of Models Thomas Nehrkorn Atmospheric and Environmental Research



Hamill, T., 2021: Status report of the QM development. 2 February 2021.