How VCP Selection Impacts Your RPS List

Your choice of VCP has an impact on what products get requested from the RPG. In general, the RPS list sent to the RPG will be longer during precipitation mode VCPs than in clear air VCPs. However, the same product request limits exist for both situations. So, you are more likely to reach your max product limits during precipitation VCPs. Additionally, some products will be larger in size (or take longer to generate) during widespread precipitation events. These situations may result in load shedding where you don’t receive all of the requested products even though your list contains less than the maximum of 300 products. This situation also becomes more likely at faster VCPs. So, load shedding is more likely in VCP 12 than it is VCP 215. So, you may need to make adjustments to your local RPS list during these situations if you notice requested products are not being received.