Verification and Validation and Post-processing (VV & PP)

Team Leads

Jason Levit
Environmental Modeling Center, 
College Park, MD

Tara Jensen
Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) &
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Boulder, CO

Similar to the model infrastructure, the verification sub-project focuses on upgrading and maintaining the verification infrastructure, Model Evaluation Tools (METplus), to support the two main UFS R2O applications (MRW/S2S and SRW/CAM). The key development activities for this subproject is to extend METplus beyond current capability to perform routine evaluation MRW/S2S and SRW/CAM AT priority fields. This will include functionality to evaluate coupled models and produce scorecards that provide innovative methods for systematically synthesizing the relative performance of developmental systems versus baseline systems.
MetPlus enhancements: Metrics to evaluate coupled systems, and each component (leveraging other projects) Include process-oriented diagnostics (leveraging several other projects) Support for drawing data from multiple databases on different platforms Include verification scorecard reduction and synthesis capability Creation of community software for verification and evaluation of UFS modeling systems targeted for real-time operations Enhancement of METplus, a community verification and diagnostics framework, to evaluate the UFS Inclusion of more process-oriented diagnostics METplus used to evaluate upcoming NWS model implementations Tools for cloud-computing for analysis and scorecard synthesis available to UFS community Deliverables Evaluate (a) HRWF v13/HMON v3, (b) GEFS v12, (c) RTOFS v2, (d) NWPS v1.3, (e) HREF v3, and (f) GFS v16 Host a Metrics Workshop to define key metrics and priorities