Model Infrastructure

Team Leads:

Jacob Carley 
Environmental Modeling Center, 
(NOAA/NWS/NCEP), College Park, MD

Ligia Bernardet
Global Systems Laboratory,
(NOAA/OAR) Boulder, CO

The goal of the UFS R2O model infrastructure sub-project is to upgrade and maintain the model infrastructure needed to support the various UFS applications. The UFS infrastructure will be used as the basis of the UFS R2O model components: FV3 and MPAS for atmospheric dynamical cores, ESMF/NUOPC based coupled model architecture, Common Community Physics Package/Single Column Model (CCPP/SCM) for the atmospheric physics, MOM6 for the ocean, GOCART for aerosols, CICE6 for sea ice and WW3 for ocean waves, and the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI). The land components Noah, Noah-MP an

The key development activities for this sub-project will focus on two fronts: ESMF/NUOPC and CCPP. The former includes  extending the ESMF/NUOPC coupled modeling infrastructure to address new scientific and technical coupling requirements for global and regional applications. This includes advancing the CMEPS mediator in the UFS S2S system, enhancements to NUOPC coupling interfaces, performance optimization for high resolution grids, and advancements to  the NUOPC Unified Driver interface to the JEDI DA system.  The CCPP work includes updates to the CCPP Framework, increase in CCPP usability, and support to the UFS-R2O Project in using CCPP for research and operations in the UFS.

CCPP/SCM v4.1 and v5.0 releases (Q2FY21) ESMF v8.1 release (Q2FY21) Consistent JEDI/UFS build system (Q2FY21) Performance profiles collected for S2S (Q2FY21) JEDI-NUOPC generic interface implemented and documented (Q3FY21) Optimized S2S coupled model (Q3FY21) Transition MRW/S2S to CMEPS Mediator and retire NEMS Mediator (Q4FY21) HAFS code governance, regression testing, workflow (Q3FY21) MRW release support and User’s Workshop Modeling infrastructure provides core, cross-cutting functionality: Coupling interfaces for model components based on ESMF/NUOPC, Community Mediator for Earth Prediction Systems (CMEPS), Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) and the Single Column Model (SCM), Modeling infrastructure/data assimilation interface, Coupled model profiling and optimization, Application support for the MRW and HAFS, and Coordination of UFS workflows. Use of community-based modeling infrastructure promotes broader participation of the research community in UFS modeling activities.