Programs - Office of Dissemination
OneNWS Network
The Network Upgrade & Optimization sub-project was initiated under IDP’s Ground Readiness Project (GRP) to ensure that the NWS’s terrestrial telecommunications infrastructure would accommodate the increased volume of data due to new and improved weather and water models, radar improvements, and new satellites (e.g., GOES-16), for delivery of critical weather data to internal and external stakeholders.
The upgraded and optimized network is called the OneNWS Network, operated and managed by NCEP Central Operations (NCO).
Project Overview:
Started in 2013, the Network Upgrade & Optimization sub-project replaced legacy copper telephone wiring with fiber-optic to achieve the needed network capacity.
As of Summer 2017 the vast majority of NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs), River Forecast Centers (RFCs), Regional Headquarters, and National Centers were migrated to the OneNWS Network, having received bandwidth upgrades from their original N x 1.544 Mbps to a minimum of 1 x 100 Mbps, with equipment that is scalable up to 1 Gbps to accommodate future needs. RFCs, Regional Centers and National Centers received additional capacity, in some cases significantly more. Some key locations received physical diversity (physical redundancy) to improve network resilience and reliability. Finally, the Regional supplemental bandwidth solutions, originally implemented to provide network relief to field offices, are being dismantled because the OneNWS Network provides all required capacity. By the end of calendar year 2017, all offices and centers will operate under the OneNWS Network. This will signal the end of the Network Upgrade & Optimization sub-project.
A separate project begun in 2017 includes bringing all NWS Center Weather Service Units (CWSUs) and the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) into the OneNWS Network. This project will complete in FY2018.