Color Curves


Name/CMAP File Information Date Thumbnail
GOES Snow Squall This color curve has been used by WFO BTV on the 10.3 um (Clean Window) band to help track low topped snow squalls. 10/18/2017
CIRA Split Window Difference Color Table used on SLIDER ( for the Split Window Difference product. Range on SLIDER is -10 to +10 Celsius. 6/12/2018
IR Winter Baker More color is present in colder cloud tops and lower clouds stand out better than in the default curve. Typical winter surface temperatures in complex terrain show up nicely and snow is also more distinct.  3/2/2018
IR Summer Baker Shallower (warmer) clouds show up better while colder cloud tops have a greater range of color than in the default color table. Sea surface temperature gradients are more distinct. But very shallow clouds are somewhat muted and overall this color table may work best in higher elevation areas. 3/2/2018
IR Spring Fall Baker Shallower (warmer) clouds show up better while colder cloud tops have a greater range of color than in the default color table. More distinction is seen in ground surface and with snow cover. 3/2/2018
Low-Level WV Baker The main change in this color table from the default is to add more gradations in the clear areas which may allow one to see subtle upper-level features. Also, there are more colors in the cloud tops associated with deeper convection. 3/2/2018
Upper-Level WV Baker The warm/dry regions that are red/orange in the default color curve are changed to brownish hues with smoother breaks. There is also a wider variety of colors in the colder cloud tops. 3/2/2018
Shortwave IR Hot Spot Detection Line This simple color table for the 3.9 um IR channel provides a reliable means for detecting hot spots. Hot Spots will appear as a darker shade of gray compared to the surrounding pixels, with the hottest pixels turning black to yellow. Clouds are light gray to white. Recommended color table range is... Max: -40, Min: 130. 6/27/2018
Shortwave IR Hot Spot Detection CIRA 




Color curve for Band 7 "shortwave IR" from CIRA. Clouds are dark gray/cyan, clear sky is  medium gray, hot spots are light gray to yellow to red


NDVI Alternate Color Curve An alternate color curve for the NDVI channel difference project that shows stronger color differentiation and more notable burn scars. 3/8/2019