
Verification is an integral part of numerical environmental model prediction and development. Under the supervision of the Verification, Post-processing and Product Generation (VPPPG) Branch, EMC supports an assortment of verification projects for NCEP's environmental modeling systems.


The EMC Verification System (EVS) is a software system that unifies verification efforts across EMC to assess National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) model performance by generating community-vetted and peer reviewed verification statistics and graphics. EVS is developed and maintained by VPPPG and supported operationally by NCEP Central Operations (NCO). EVS utilizes the Enhanced Model Evaluation Tools (METplus), python, and other compiled softwares. EVS verification graphics can be found on the EMC Verification Website. The EVS source code can be found on GitHub.


The EMC Model Evaluation Group (MEG) formed in 2012 with the goal to verify, validate, and evaluate all current and proposed NCEP environmental models in coordination with NWS Regions, National Centers, and public and private-sector partners. MEG meetings are held occasionally on Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. and cover topics that include case studies of high-impact weather events, the performance of parallel models, systematic model errors, and other model behaviors requiring documentation or fixes. More information about the MEG can be found on the MEG Homepage.

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