• WELCOME TO THE NOAA/NWS ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING CENTERNOAA's Environmental Modeling Center is responsible for the development and implementation of more than 20 numerical prediction systems. EMC transitions these systems into operations for use across the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the rest of the National Weather Service, with the goal of expanding that reach to the broader meteorology community. Numerical weather prediction uses mathematical models of earth's systems to predict the weather based on current conditions.


    NOAA's Environmental Modeling Center is responsible for the development and implementation of more than 20 numerical prediction systems. EMC transitions these systems into operations for use across the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the rest of the National Weather Service, with the goal of expanding that reach to the broader meteorology community. Numerical weather prediction uses mathematical models of earth's systems to predict the weather based on current conditions.

  • FORECASTING SYSTEMManipulating the vast datasets and performing the complex calculations necessary for modern numerical weather prediction requires powerful supercomputers. Factors affecting the accuracy of numerical predictions include the density and quality of observations used as input to the forecasts.


    Manipulating the vast datasets and performing the complex calculations necessary for modern numerical weather prediction requires powerful supercomputers. Factors affecting the accuracy of numerical predictions include the density and quality of observations used as input to the forecasts.

  • OUR MISSIONMaintain, enhance and transition-to-operations numerical forecast systems for weather, ocean, climate, land surface and hydrology, hurricanes, and air quality for the Nation and the global community and for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the economy.


    Maintain, enhance and transition-to-operations numerical forecast systems for weather, ocean, climate, land surface and hydrology, hurricanes, and air quality for the Nation and the global community and for the protection of life and property and the enhancement of the economy.