

help on converting 3.24 to 3.30

Dan Fu, modified 3 Years ago.

help on converting 3.24 to 3.30

Youngling Posts: 46 Join Date: 12/14/16 Recent Posts

Dear SS team,

I am wondering if I can get some help to convert IOTC bigeye assessment files from 3.24 to 3.30.

The ss_trans converts the files fine (I just need to manually change one of the Q parameter to floating 0 afterwards)

However when running ss_trans for estimation, it complained about the likelihood stepsize being two small and also reported an error in the end.

When running ss.exe (3.30.17), the likelihood seems to be stuck in a region where B0 is about 1/10 of what was estimated by ss3.24.

It would be very appreciated if you could spare some time having a look at this.

The 3.24 input and par files attached.

Thanks for you help


Dan Fu, modified 3 Years ago.

RE: help on converting 3.24 to 3.30

Youngling Posts: 46 Join Date: 12/14/16 Recent Posts

Dear, please ignore my previous request. The problem appears to be resolved.  I found that the Q requires further manual setup after ss_trans and now the 3.30 version works OK

