NWS Local Station History - National Weather Service Heritage
NWS Local Office History Links
Many NWS local offices have developed their own Heritage websites.
Click on the links below to learn more about NWS history in your home town!

Summarized listings of all past and present NWS offices:
Explore the evolution of Signal Service, Weather Bureau and National Weather Service via an ArcGIS Story Map.
Alaska Region:
Office ID | Station Name | Address |
AFC | Anchorage, AK | N/A |
AFG | Fairbanks, AK | N/A |
AJK | Juneau, AK | https://www.weather.gov/ajk/OurOffice-History |
Central Region:
Eastern Region:
Office ID | Station Name | Address |
AKQ | Wakefield, VA | N/A |
ALY | Albany, NY | View PDF |
BGM | Binghamton, NY | N/A |
BOX | Boston/Norton, MA | https://www.weather.gov/box/about |
BTV | Burlington, VT | N/A |
BUF | Buffalo, NY | N/A |
CAE | Columbia, SC | https://www.weather.gov/cae/history.html |
CAR | Caribou, ME | N/A |
CHS | Charleston, SC | https://www.weather.gov/chs/chshistory |
CLE | Cleveland, OH | https://www.weather.gov/cle/station_history |
CTP | State College, PA | https://www.weather.gov/ctp/NWSCTPHistory |
GSP | Greenville- Spartanburg, SC |
N/A |
GYX | Gray/Portland, ME | N/A |
ILM | Wilmington, NC | https://www.weather.gov/ilm/TimelineNWSILM |
ILN | Wilmington, OH | https://www.weather.gov/iln/office |
LWX | Baltimore/Washington | N/A |
MHX | Newport/Morehead City, NC | N/A |
OKX | New York, NY | https://www.weather.gov/okx/history |
PBZ | Pittsburgh, PA | https://www.weather.gov/pbz/stationhistory |
PHI | Philadelphia/ Mt. Holly, NJ |
N/A |
RAH | Raleigh, NC | https://www.weather.gov/rah/history |
RLX | Charleston, WV | N/A |
RNK | Blacksburg, VA | N/A |
Pacific Region:
Office ID | Station Name | Address |
GUM | Tiyan, GU | N/A |
HFO | Honolulu, HI | https://www.weather.gov/hfo/history |
HTO | Hilo, HI | N/A |
KMR | Majuro, RMI | N/A |
PPG | Pago Pago, AS | https://www.weather.gov/ppg/dedication |
TKK | Chuuk, FSM | N/A |
TTP | Pohnpei, FSM | N/A |
TRO | Koror, Palau | N/A |
TYA | Yap, FSM | N/A |
Southern Region:
Western Region:
Office ID | Station Name | Address |
BOI | Boise, ID | https://www.weather.gov/boi/wfohistory |
BYZ | Billings, MT | https://www.weather.gov/byz/office_history |
EKA | Eureka, CA | N/A |
FGZ | Flagstaff, AZ | N/A |
GGW | Glasgow, MT | https://www.weather.gov/ggw/history |
HNX | Hanford, CA | https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/hnx/nwssjv.php |
LKN | Elko, NV | N/A |
LOX | Los Angeles/ Oxnard, CA | N/A |
MFR | Medford, OR | https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/mfr/information/history.php?wfo=mfr |
MSO | Missoula, MT | N/A |
MTO | San Francisco/ Monterey, CA | N/A |
OTX | Spokane, WA | N/A |
PDT | Pendleton, OR | https://www.weather.gov/pdt/station_profile |
PIH | Pocatello, ID | https://www.weather.gov/pih/OurOffice |
PQR | Portland, OR | N/A |
PSR | Phoenix, AZ | https://www.weather.gov/psr/stationhistory |
REV | Reno, NV | https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/rev/history/ |
SEW | Seattle, WA | N/A |
SGX | San Diego, CA | N/A |
SLC | Salt Lake City, UT | N/A |
STO | Sacramento, CA | N/A |
TFX | Great Falls, MT | N/A |
TWC | Tucson, AZ | N/A |
VEF | Las Vegas, NV | View PDF |
Center Weather Service Units:
Office ID | Station Name | Address |
ZAB | Albuquerque | N/A |
ZAN | Anchorage | N/A |
ZAU | Chicago | N/A |
ZBW | Boston | N/A |
ZDC | Washington DC | N/A |
ZDV | Denver | N/A |
ZFW | Fort Worth | N/A |
ZHU | Houston | https://www.weather.gov/zhu/ouroffice |
ZID | Indianapolis | N/A |
ZJX | Jacksonville | N/A |
ZKC | Kansas City | N/A |
ZLA | Los Angeles | N/A |
ZLC | Salt Lake City | N/A |
ZMA | Miami | N/A |
ZME | Memphis | https://www.weather.gov/zme/aboutus |
ZMP | Minneapolis | N/A |
ZNY | New York | N/A |
ZOA | Oakland | N/A |
ZOB | Cleveland | N/A |
ZSE | Seattle | N/A |
ZTL | Atlanta | N/A |
National Centers and Support Offices:
Office ID | Office Name | Address |
AAWU | Alaska Aviation Weather Unit | N/A |
AWC | Aviation Weather Center | N/A |
CPC | Climate Prediction Center | N/A |
EMC | Environmental Modeling Center | N/A |
NCO | NCEP Central Operations | N/A |
NDBC | National Data Buoy Center | N/A |
NHC | National Hurricane Center | https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboutintro.shtml |
NWSTC | NWS Training Center | N/A |
NTWC | National Tsunami Warning Center | https://ntwc.ncep.noaa.gov/?page=history |
OPC | Ocean Prediction Center | N/A |
OWP | Office of Water Prediction | N/A |
PTWC | Pacific Tsunami Warning Center | https://ptwc.weather.gov/ptwc/history.php |
SMG | Spaceflight Meteorology Group | https://www.weather.gov/smg/SMGHistory |
SPC | Storm Prediction Center | https://www.spc.noaa.gov/history/early.html |
SWPC | Space Weather Prediction Center | N/A |
WPC | Weather Prediction Center | view PDF |
River Forecast Centers:
Office ID | Office Name | Address |
ABRFC | Arkansas-Red Basin RFC | https://www.weather.gov/abrfc/aboutpage |
APRFC | Alaska-Pacific RFC | https://www.weather.gov/aprfc/history |
CBRFC | Colorado Basin RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/CBRFC.pdf |
CNRFC | California-Nevada RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/CNRFC.pdf |
LMRFC | Lower Mississippi RFC | https://www.weather.gov/lmrfc/additionalinfo_office_history |
MARFC | Middle Atlantic RFC | https://www.weather.gov/media/marfc/FactSheets/MARFC_brochure-1.pdf |
MBRFC | Missouri Basin RFC | https://www.weather.gov/mbrfc/compend |
NCRFC | North Central RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/NCRFC.pdf |
NERFC | Northeast RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/NERFC.pdf |
NWRFC | Northwest RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/NWRFC.pdf |
OHRFC | Ohio RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/OHRFC.pdf |
SERFC | Southeast RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/SERFC.pdf |
WGRFC | West Gulf RFC | https://www.nws.noaa.gov/oh/rfc/docs/RFCs/WGRFC.pdf |
Office ID | Office Name | Address |
ARH | Alaska Region HQ | N/A |
CRH | Central Region HQ | N/A |
ERH | Eastern Region HQ | N/A |
PRH | Pacific Region HQ | N/A |
SRH | Southern Region HQ | N/A |
WRH | Western Region HQ | N/A |
WSH | NWS HQ | https://vlab.noaa.gov/web/nws-heritage |