
The purpose of the NASA SPoRT community is to foster a more interactive environment and better engage with current and potential future SPoRT-collaborative National Weather Service offices. Here, we will post content relating to SPoRT-generated training and documentation for the ingest of SPoRT-related research and experimental data sets into the AWIPS-II platform.  Also, we plan to host materials during formal assessment of experimental data sets, so this will become a one-stop location for accessing the necessary training materials, AWIPS-II ingest files, and links to survey forms.

Use the Wiki page to learn more about SPoRT and our activities, both present and near future.

Use the Documents page to get access to ingest instructions and files for experimental products, such as the SPoRT Land Information System (SPoRT-LIS), and bulleted lists of SPoRT-generated training materials, training videos, and more.  

The Training Page will take you to SPoRT's online training page. 

Please excuse our "dust" as we continue to develop and improve our community and pages.  We're really just getting started.