The Global Forecast System

The Global Forecast System (GFS) is a global numerical weather prediction system containing a global computer model and variational analysis run by the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS).

The mathematical model is run four times a day, and produces forecasts for up to 16 days in advance, with decreased spatial resolution after 10 days. The model is a spectral model with a resolution of T1534 from 0 to 240 hours (0-10 days) and T574 from 240 to 384 hours (10-16 days). In the vertical, the model is divided into 64 layers and temporally, it produces forecast output every hour for the first 12 hours, every 3 hours out to 10 days, and every 12 hours after that.


Modeling and Data Assimilation Branch
Vijay Tallapragada

Website and Experiment Help
Kate Friedman

Recent Implementations & RFCs

RFC 4470 – global_shared v14.1.4

On WCOSS, update 2 fix files and one script in the global_shared package so that new NOAA-20 CrIS and ATMS data will be assimilated into the GFS/GDAS system. To be implemented beginning on May 29 at 1430Z and should be completed on May 30.

RFC 4060 - global_shared v14.1.2

On WCOSS, switched operational assimilation of GOES-E AMVs (Atmospheric Motion Vectors) from GOES-13 to GOES-16. Implemented on January 5 at 1400Z.

Click here or on "RFCS" above to see full RFC list.

Future Implementation Plans

Planned for FY18/19: FV3GFS

Click on "Implementations" above for more information.