James Calkins
Published Date
As a reminder, although the National Weather Service provides the AWIPS source code, binaries, scripts, and documentation for each major release, we are unable to provide support for the installation or usage of AWIPS. Please see the official statement below.
The AWIPS baseline software (source code, binaries, scripts) and documentation are provided under the umbrella of previous...
James Calkins
Published Date
11Oct2024 update -- AWIPS build OB23.4.1 is still undergoing beta testing. We will make the official 23.4.1 release available as soon as it becomes final, but it is unlikely that it will be posted here before the end of calendar year 2024.
Greetings AWIPS Fans! A *preliminary* version of AWIPS 23.4.1 is now available.
AWIPS build OB23.4.1 is built for Red Hat...
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings AWIPS Fans!
AWIPS 21.4.1 is now available. The binaries, ADE/source, Thin Client, and release-specific documentation are all available from the usual download portal.
The next scheduled release, AWIPS 23.2.1, is expected to be available in early 2024.
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings AWIPS Fans!
AWIPS 20.3.2 is now available. The binaries, ADE/source, and release-specific documentation are all available from the usual download portal.
For those wishing to just download one specific part of the 20.3.2 documentation, it has also been added to the "Document Library" portal, found at the top of this page. The previous documentation in the Document...
James Calkins
Published Date
Welcome, AWIPS Fans!
AWIPS 20.2.3 is now available. Thanks for your patience while a few issues were worked out (hence the 20.2.3 version instead of the 20.2.2 version announced earlier).
The binaries and the ADE/source are available from the usual download portal. A few notes:
- AWIPS was authorized to include the binLightning software starting with this...
James Calkins
Published Date
A lot has happened schedule-wise in the AWIPS world, so I wanted to provide an update.
AWIPS 20.2.1 has been combined with 20.2.2, and that will be the next major release posted here on the AWIPS Tech Lib. 20.2.2 is in the last stages of Beta testing, and if all goes well I expect to post it for download by the week of 3/22/21.
In a bit of good...
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings! We appreciate your patience while COVID-19 delayed the fix for the AWIPS 19.3.1 binaries. The files have been restored to the download portal and now properly contain the updated rpms for 19.3.1.
The next major AWIPS release, 20.2.1, should be available for download in December 2020.
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings -- It's been brought to my attention that the .tgz file containing the AWIPS 19.3.1 binaries doesn't contain any binaries (rpms) newer than version 19.2.5.
Due to the state of Maryland's "Stay At Home" proclamation, I am currently unable to travel into work to correct this issue. I will attempt to fix it remotely, however it will take some time if it's possible at all.
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings AWIPS Fans,
The AWIPS 19.3.1 binaries, source code/ADE, documentation, and Thin Client (Windows) have been posted to the AWIPS II Software Download Portal. There are 5 placeholder files also posted there, they can be ignored.
Thanks for your patience for this release. The next release, 20.2.1, will be posted no earlier than August. The...
James Calkins
Published Date
19.2.1 binaries, source code, and documentation are in the process of uploading. The Thin Client (Windows) is having some issues and is not ready for distribution yet.
I'll post another announcement when the Thin Client is available.
James Calkins
Published Date
Greetings! OB18.1.1 binaries, source code, and documentation have been posted to the AWIPS Technical Library. The previous version, OB17.3.1, remains on the download site.
OB18.1.1 Thin Client has also been posted. There were compatibility issues with Thin Client in the past several AWIPS releases, so this is the first AWIPS Thin Client posted in some time. The...
James Calkins
Published Date
AWIPS 17.2.1 (and its associated ADE) has been posted, and is accessible via the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of this page. Documentation is also available at the download site.
The Windows Thin Client software is not yet available. This page will be updated once it has been posted.
As a reminder, RHEL7 (or equivalent, e.g. CentOS 7) is required for AWIPS...
James Calkins
Published Date
For those that are not aware, the next release of AWIPS is 17.2.1 which requires Red Hat 7. The 17.2.1 release is currently in Beta Test and is expected to be made available here in November. This will be updated once a specific date is known.
James Calkins
Published Date
The final version of AWIPS 17.1.1 (and its associated ADE) has been posted, and is accessible via the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of this page. Documentation is also available at the download site.
The Windows Thin Client software is also now available at the same link.
James Calkins
Published Date
As some have noticed, the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of the page is not working. We had to move the contents to a new server, necessitating some down time. In addition, weekend work on our building is delaying the availability of the new server.
We expect that the server will be back up early next week. When it is active again, I'll send out an...
James Calkins
Published Date
2/17/17 UPDATE: The 16.4.1 Thin Client software has been added to the download portal.
The final version of AWIPS 16.4.1 (and its associated ADE) has been posted, and is accessible via the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of this page. Documentation is also available at the download site.
The Windows Thin Client software will be available in a...
James Calkins
Published Date
10/24/16 UPDATE: The 16.2.2 AWIPS Users Manual has been added to the download portal. The UM is only available in html format, so its contents are all within the UM_16.2.2_SourceFiles.tgz file.
9/29/16 UPDATE: The 16.2.2 Thin Client software has been added to the download portal.
The final version of AWIPS 16.2.2 (and its associated ADE) has been...
James Calkins
Published Date
There have been a couple of requests to post the config_awips2.sh and associated scripts that NWS WFOs use to localize their AWIPS software to a particular WFO. While the scripts themselves are of little use to the general public since it requires access to the AWIPS 1 configuration data at the WFOs, the scripts have been posted on the AWIPS II Software Download portal (link at the top...
James Calkins
Published Date
*** UPDATED ***
24Sep2015 - File "AWP PLN AWB-01.02 5 May 11 - Redacted v3" was added to the Specifications/Software folder in the Document Library and is now considered to be part of the baseline set of artifacts for the AWIPS Acquisition.
23Sep2015 - File "Red Hat Entitlements List.xlsx" was added to the Specifications/Software folder in the Document Library and is now considered...
James Calkins
Published Date
The AWIPS Technical Library FAQ has been updated to include information about "Rehosted Code" -- for example, the AWIPS System Monitor.
To view the FAQ, click on the new "FAQ" item on the navigation menubar item near the top of the page.
James Calkins
Published Date
The final version of AWIPS 14.4.1 (and its associated ADE) has been posted, and is accessible via the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of this page. Documentation is also available at the download site.
James Calkins
Published Date
Since it may not be obvious to most visitors of this site, this blog entry serves as a notice that the AWIPS Technical Library FAQ page has been updated. Among the changes you'll find are information about ingesting canned data into AWIPS and updated information about the AWIPS II Thin Client software.
The FAQ can be accessed via the Wiki page (see the menubar item above) or by...
James Calkins
Published Date
The AWIPS Acquisition Contracting Officer has changed. Effective immediately, please use the following contact information:
Tim Wampler
Contracting Officer
U. S. Department of Commerce/NOAA/ERAD
Norfolk Federal Building
200 Granby Street, Room 815
Norfolk, VA 23510
EMail: timothy.wampler@noaa. gov
(757) 441-6563 (Office)
James Calkins
Published Date
The final version of AWIPS 14.3.1 has been posted, and is accessible via the "AWIPS II Software Download" link at the top of this page. Documentation is also available at the download site.
James Calkins
Published Date
*** UPDATE ***
The videos are now on YouTube. They are imbedded on this page for ease of viewing.
The videos presented on 3Feb2015 at AWIPS Industry Day, as well as a video recording of the morning session, are now available for download. Click on the "AWIPS II Software Download" link on the menubar above, then select the "IndustryDay" folder.
James Calkins
Published Date
Additional documentation on AWIPS/AWIPS II is currently being reviewed and should be available in the coming days/weeks on the AWIPS Technical Library. This includes docuementation mentioned in the RFP/SOO and at the 3Feb2015 AWIPS Industry Day, such as Discrepancy Report (DR) classification schema and system performance test procedures.
If you have a specific documentation request,...
James Calkins
Published Date
It was pointed out that there was no documentation for AWIPS 14.2.4 at the download link (AWIPS II Software Download link on the menubar above).
The 14.2.4 documentation is now available for download. Sorry for the inconvenience.
James Calkins
Published Date
The NWS Virtual Lab, which hosts the AWIPS Technical Library, has migrated to a new host as of 12/5/14. The URL HAS CHANGED.
The new location for the AWIPS Technical Library is:
The old URL (at nws.weather.gov/innovate) will automatically redirect you to the new URL. Please update your bookmarks -- this...
James Calkins
Published Date
AWIPS II OB14.2.4 & ADE have been released. You can find them by clicking on the "AWIPS II Software Download" menu item above (in the dark grey bar) .
We did not receive new Flowtags with this release. Previous versions are included in the documentation tarball for convenience.