Analysis & Mission Support Division - AFS 1 - AFSO
Mark Tew - AFS 1 Division Chief (Org Chart)
- YJ Kim - AFS 11 Branch Chief
- Tom Hultquist (Meteorologist)
- Physical Scientist (Vacant)
- Meteorologist (Vacant)
- LANTERN Participants (FY23, FY22)
- Pathways Interns
- David "Disco" Bieger - AFS 12 Branch Chief
- Chris Maier
- Doug Hilderbrand
- Roham Abtahi
- Andy Foster
- Wendy Marie Thomas
- Doug Young - AFS 13 Branch Chief
- Mike Dion
- Tim Schott
- Carlos Diaz
- Dan Roman
- Brian Miretzky
Welcome to AFS 1!
The Division provides expertise to support the field warning mission including validating new tools and innovations that help forecasters assimilate data for warnings and forecasts. The Division oversees NWS web and dissemination policy and stays abreast of the technology changes that impact the way that NWS communicates our information to core partners, the weather enterprise and the general public in close coordination with the Dissemination Portfolio. The AMSD also has the responsibility to support the National Service Programs and the field by providing leadership associated with the strategically important Weather Ready Nation (WRN) initiatives, the national Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) program and for providing decision support policy and expertise to emerging service sectors that need NWS information.
Various News on AFS1 work can be found in the AFS1 Announcements and Updates Homepage.