

RE: an error using 3.30.15

Yevhen Leonchyk, modified 4 Years ago.

an error using 3.30.15

Youngling Posts: 36 Join Date: 8/1/17 Recent Posts


I have the following message in r4ss script when I use the newest ss3 version (3.30.15):

Starting length comp data plots (group 13)
Error in round(vals, sampsizeround) :
  non-numeric argument to mathematical function

But there is no warning messages in warning.sso

The previous ss3 version (3.30.14) works well - no errors with r4ss.




Anonymous, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: an error using 3.30.15

Thank you for reporting that you are having an issue with r4ss. Unfortunately, I was not able to recreate the issue on my machine. I am curious if you have updated your version of r4ss using devtools::install_github('r4ss/r4ss') such that the latest fixes are available to work with version 3.30.15 of Stock Synthesis? Also, it would be helpful if you clarify what R function you were calling when the error occurred. I am assuming that the reading of the Report.sso went fine and the error was generated from SS_plots()? Please let me know if this is incorrect. Again, thank you for reporting that you are having issues and we hope that we can get this fixed today once we have more information.

Yevhen Leonchyk, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: an error using 3.30.15

Youngling Posts: 36 Join Date: 8/1/17 Recent Posts

Thank you. I have forgotten to update r4ss via GitHub. Now it works well with 3.30.15, no errors.  


Kelli Faye Johnson, modified 4 Years ago.

RE: an error using 3.30.15

Youngling Posts: 28 Join Date: 6/13/17 Recent Posts

Excellent. I am glad the newest version of r4ss worked for you.